Definition of draw

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Draw (v. i.) To become contracted; to shrink.

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Disembowel :: Disembowel (v. t.) To take or draw from the body, as the web of a spider..
Narrow :: Narrow (v. t.) To lessen the breadth of; to contract; to draw into a smaller compass; to reduce the width or extent of.
Attraction :: Attraction (n.) The power or act of alluring, drawing to, inviting, or engaging; an attractive quality; as, the attraction of beauty or eloquence..
Print :: Print (v. t.) To take (a copy, a positive picture, etc.), from a negative, a transparent drawing, or the like, by the action of light upon a sensitized surface..
Subtractive :: Subtraction (n.) The withdrawing or withholding from a person of some right to which he is entitled by law.
Transfer :: Transfer (v. t.) To remove from one substance or surface to another; as, to transfer drawings or engravings to a lithographic stone..
Copygraph :: Copygraph (n.) A contrivance for producing manifold copies of a writing or drawing.
Shading :: Shading (n.) That filling up which represents the effect of more or less darkness, expressing rotundity, projection, etc., in a picture or a drawing..
Deep-fet :: Deep-fet (a.) Deeply fetched or drawn.
Furdle :: Furdle (v. t.) To draw up into a bundle; to roll up.
Bow-compass :: Bow-compass (n.) A small pair of compasses, one leg of which carries a pencil, or a pen, for drawing circles. Its legs are often connected by a bow-shaped spring, instead of by a joint..
Drawl :: Drawl (v. t.) To utter in a slow, lengthened tone..
Milk :: Milk (v. i.) To draw or to yield milk.
Profile :: Profile (n.) to draw the outline of; to draw in profile, as an architectural member..
Penciled :: Penciled (a.) Painted, drawn, sketched, or marked with a pencil..
Calzoons :: Calzoons (n. pl.) Drawers.
Outline :: Outline (n.) In art: A line drawn by pencil, pen, graver, or the like, by which the boundary of a figure is indicated..
Draw :: Draw (v. t.) To influence to move or tend toward one's self; to exercise an attracting force upon; to call towards itself; to attract; hence, to entice; to allure; to induce..
Drawboy :: Drawboy (n.) A boy who operates the harness cords of a hand loom; also, a part of power loom that performs the same office..
Horn :: Horn (n.) The curving extremity of the wing of an army or of a squadron drawn up in a crescentlike form.
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