Definition of draw

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Draw (v. t.) To influence to move or tend toward one's self; to exercise an attracting force upon; to call towards itself; to attract; hence, to entice; to allure; to induce..

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Drain :: Drain (n.) The act of draining, or of drawing off; gradual and continuous outflow or withdrawal; as, the drain of specie from a country..
Extraction :: Extraction (n.) The act of extracting, or drawing out; as, the extraction of a tooth, of a bone or an arrow from the body, of a stump from earth, of a passage from a book, of an essence or tincture..
Revoke :: Revoke (v. t.) To draw back; to withdraw.
Eloign :: Eloign (v. t.) To remove afar off; to withdraw.
Drawer :: Drawer (n.) One who, or that which, draws.
Decentralize :: Decentralize (v. t.) To prevent from centralizing; to cause to withdraw from the center or place of concentration; to divide and distribute (what has been united or concentrated); -- esp. said of authority, or the administration of public affairs..
Antiquarian :: Antiquarian (n.) A drawing paper of large size. See under Paper, n..
Penciled :: Penciled (a.) Painted, drawn, sketched, or marked with a pencil..
Nonsuit :: Nonsuit (n.) A neglect or failure by the plaintiff to follow up his suit; a stopping of the suit; a renunciation or withdrawal of the cause by the plaintiff, either because he is satisfied that he can not support it, or upon the judge's expressing his opinion. A compulsory nonsuit is a nonsuit ordered by the court on the ground that the plaintiff on his own showing has not made out his case..
Attractive :: Attractive (n.) That which attracts or draws; an attraction; an allurement.
Crane :: Crane (n.) A siphon, or bent pipe, for drawing liquors out of a cask..
Evacuation :: Evacuation (n.) Withdrawal of troops from a town, fortress, etc..
Polar :: Polar (n.) The right line drawn through the two points of contact of the two tangents drawn from a given point to a given conic section. The given point is called the pole of the line. If the given point lies within the curve so that the two tangents become imaginary, there is still a real polar line which does not meet the curve, but which possesses other properties of the polar. Thus the focus and directrix are pole and polar. There are also poles and polar curves to curves of higher degree th
Carryall :: Carryall (n.) A light covered carriage, having four wheels and seats for four or more persons, usually drawn by one horse..
Retreat :: Retreat (v. i.) To make a retreat; to retire from any position or place; to withdraw; as, the defeated army retreated from the field..
Pantograph :: Pantograph (n.) An instrument for copying plans, maps, and other drawings, on the same, or on a reduced or an enlarged, scale..
Recoil :: Recoil (v. t.) To draw or go back.
Drawing-room :: Drawing-room (n.) A room appropriated for the reception of company; a room to which company withdraws from the dining room.
Nipple :: Nipple (n.) The protuberance through which milk is drawn from the breast or mamma; the mammilla; a teat; a pap.
Portfolio :: Portfolio (n.) A portable case for holding loose papers, prints, drawings, etc..
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