Definition of domini

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Domini (pl. ) of Dominu.

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Potent :: Potent (a.) Having great authority, control, or dominion; puissant; mighty; influential; as, a potent prince..
Dominical :: Dominical (a.) Relating to, or given by, our Lord; as, the dominical (or Lord's) prayer..
Dominie :: Dominie (n.) A schoolmaster; a pedagogue.
Subject :: Subject (v. t.) To bring under control, power, or dominion; to make subject; to subordinate; to subdue..
Reign :: Reign (n.) Royal authority; supreme power; sovereignty; rule; dominion.
Realm :: Realm (n.) A royal jurisdiction or domain; a region which is under the dominion of a king; a kingdom.
Dominion :: Dominion (n.) Sovereign or supreme authority; the power of governing and controlling; independent right of possession, use, and control; sovereignty; supremacy..
Subjected :: Subjected (a.) Reduced to subjection; brought under the dominion of another.
Empire :: Empire (n.) The dominion of an emperor; the territory or countries under the jurisdiction and dominion of an emperor (rarely of a king), usually of greater extent than a kingdom, always comprising a variety in the nationality of, or the forms of administration in, constituent and subordinate portions; as, the Austrian empire..
Sultanship :: Sultanry (n.) The dominions of a sultan.
Dominican :: Dominican (a.) Of or pertaining to St. Dominic (Dominic de Guzman), or to the religions communities named from him..
Dominion :: Dominion (n.) A supposed high order of angels; dominations. See Domination, 3..
Hierarchy :: Hierarchy (n.) Dominion or authority in sacred things.
Dependency :: Dependency (n.) A territory remote from the kingdom or state to which it belongs, but subject to its dominion; a colony; as, Great Britain has its dependencies in Asia, Africa, and America..
Masterdom :: Masterdom (n.) Dominion; rule; command.
Ducat :: Ducat (n.) A coin, either of gold or silver, of several countries in Europe; originally, one struck in the dominions of a duke..
Kingdom :: Kingdom (n.) The territory or country subject to a king or queen; the dominion of a monarch; the sphere in which one is king or has control.
Authority :: Authority (n.) Legal or rightful power; a right to command or to act; power exercised buy a person in virtue of his office or trust; dominion; jurisdiction; authorization; as, the authority of a prince over subjects, and of parents over children; the authority of a court..
Predicant :: Predicant (n.) One who predicates, affirms, or proclaims; specifically, a preaching friar; a Dominican..
Dynasty :: Dynasty (n.) Sovereignty; lordship; dominion.
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