Definition of distinguished

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Distinguished (a.) Separated from others by distinct difference; having, or indicating, superiority; eminent or known; illustrious; -- applied to persons and deeds..

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Bellows Fish :: Bellows fish () A European fish (Centriscus scolopax), distinguished by a long tubular snout, like the pipe of a bellows; -- called also trumpet fish, and snipe fish..
Figurine :: Figurine (n.) A very small figure, whether human or of an animal; especially, one in terra cotta or the like; -- distinguished from statuette, which is applied to small figures in bronze, marble, etc..
Supereminent :: Supereminency (n.) The quality or state of being supereminent; distinguished eminence; as, the supereminence of Cicero as an orator, or Lord Chatham as a statesman..
Coenesthesis :: Coenesthesis (n.) Common sensation or general sensibility, as distinguished from the special sensations which are located in, or ascribed to, separate organs, as the eye and ear. It is supposed to depend on the ganglionic system..
Expediency :: Expediency (n.) The quality of being expedient or advantageous; fitness or suitableness to effect a purpose intended; adaptedness to self-interest; desirableness; advantage; advisability; -- sometimes contradistinguished from moral rectitude.
Marked :: Marked (a.) Designated or distinguished by, or as by, a mark; hence; noticeable; conspicuous; as, a marked card; a marked coin; a marked instance..
Insignia :: Insignia (n. pl.) Typical and characteristic marks or signs, by which anything is known or distinguished; as, the insignia of a trade..
Singular :: Singular (a.) Distinguished as existing in a very high degree; rarely equaled; eminent; extraordinary; exceptional; as, a man of singular gravity or attainments..
Soldier :: Soldier (n.) Especially, a private in military service, as distinguished from an officer..
Soldier :: Soldier (n.) A brave warrior; a man of military experience and skill, or a man of distinguished valor; -- used by way of emphasis or distinction..
Soiree :: Soiree (n.) An evening party; -- distinguished from levee, and matinee..
Har Monically :: Har monically (adv.) In respect to harmony, as distinguished from melody; as, a passage harmonically correct..
Helix :: Helix (n.) A nonplane curve whose tangents are all equally inclined to a given plane. The common helix is the curve formed by the thread of the ordinary screw. It is distinguished from the spiral, all the convolutions of which are in the plane..
Nature :: Nature (n.) Conformity to that which is natural, as distinguished from that which is artifical, or forced, or remote from actual experience..
Age :: Age (n.) A particular period of time in history, as distinguished from others; as, the golden age, the age of Pericles..
Confuse :: Confuse (v. t.) To mix or blend so that things can not be distinguished; to jumble together; to confound; to render indistinct or obscure; as, to confuse accounts; to confuse one's vision..
Distinguished :: Distinguished (imp. & p. p.) of Distinguis.
Purview :: Purview (n.) The body of a statute, or that part which begins with Be it enacted, as distinguished from the preamble..
Bright''s Disease :: Bright's disease () An affection of the kidneys, usually inflammatory in character, and distinguished by the occurrence of albumin and renal casts in the urine. Several varieties of Bright's disease are now recognized, differing in the part of the kidney involved, and in the intensity and course of the morbid process..
Poem :: Poem (n.) A metrical composition; a composition in verse written in certain measures, whether in blank verse or in rhyme, and characterized by imagination and poetic diction; -- contradistinguished from prose; as, the poems of Homer or of Milton..
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