Definition of abort

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Abort (v. i.) To miscarry; to bring forth young prematurely.

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Aborsive :: Aborsive (a.) Abortive.
Abort :: Abort (n.) An aborted offspring.
Abortive :: Abortive (v.) Causing abortion; as, abortive medicines..
Abortiveness :: Abortiveness (n.) The quality of being abortive.
Rachitis :: Rachitis (n.) A disease which produces abortion in the fruit or seeds.
Sooterkin :: Sooterkin (n.) A kind of false birth, fabled to be produced by Dutch women from sitting over their stoves; also, an abortion, in a figurative sense; an abortive scheme..
Abortional :: Abortional (a.) Pertaining to abortion; miscarrying; abortive.
Abortive :: Abortive (v.) Made from the skin of a still-born animal; as, abortive vellum..
Abort :: Abort (n.) An untimely birth.
Abortion :: Abortion (n.) The act of giving premature birth; particularly, the expulsion of the human fetus prematurely, or before it is capable of sustaining life; miscarriage..
Stammel :: Staminodium (n.) An abortive stamen, or any organ modified from an abortive stamen..
Ecboline :: Ecboline (n.) An alkaloid constituting the active principle of ergot; -- so named from its power of producing abortion.
Abortive :: Abortive (v.) Imperfectly formed or developed; rudimentary; sterile; as, an abortive organ, stamen, ovule, etc..
Abortive :: Abortive (v.) Cutting short; as, abortive treatment of typhoid fever..
Abort :: Abort (v. i.) To miscarry; to bring forth young prematurely.
Abortive :: Abortive (n.) A fruitless effort or issue.
Abortive :: Abortive (n.) A medicine to which is attributed the property of causing abortion.
Fizzle :: Fizzle (n.) A failure or abortive effort.
Abortive :: Abortive (v.) Rendering fruitless or ineffectual.
Obsolete :: Obsolete (a.) Not very distinct; obscure; rudimental; imperfectly developed; abortive.
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