Definition of dispose

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Dispose (v. t.) To regulate; to adjust; to settle; to determine.

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Solicitous :: Solicitous (v. t.) Disposed to solicit; eager to obtain something desirable, or to avoid anything evil; concerned; anxious; careful..
Sickly :: Sickly (superl.) Somewhat sick; disposed to illness; attended with disease; as, a sickly body..
Propense :: Propense (a.) Leaning toward, in a moral sense; inclined; disposed; prone; as, women propense to holiness..
Indocile :: Indocile (a.) Not teachable; indisposed to be taught, trained, or disciplined; not easily instructed or governed; dull; intractable..
Rose-pink :: Rose-pink (a.) Disposed to clothe everything with roseate hues; hence, sentimental..
Utter :: Utter (a.) To dispose of in trade; to sell or vend.
Toysome :: Toysome (a.) Disposed to toy; trifling; wanton.
Gripeful :: Gripeful (a.) Disposed to gripe; extortionate.
Methodical :: Methodical (a.) Arranged with regard to method; disposed in a suitable manner, or in a manner to illustrate a subject, or to facilitate practical observation; as, the methodical arrangement of arguments; a methodical treatise..
Indisposition :: Indisposition (n.) The state of being indisposed; disinclination; as, the indisposition of two substances to combine..
Dispose :: Dispose (n.) Cast of mind; disposition; inclination; behavior; demeanor.
Effuse :: Effuse (a.) Disposed to pour out freely; prodigal.
Indisposedness :: Indisposedness (n.) The condition or quality of being indisposed.
Indispose :: Indispose (v. t.) To disincline; to render averse or unfavorable; as, a love of pleasure indisposes the mind to severe study; the pride and selfishness of men indispose them to religious duties..
Cento :: Cento (n.) A literary or a musical composition formed by selections from different authors disposed in a new order.
Power :: Power (n.) An authority enabling a person to dispose of an interest vested either in himself or in another person; ownership by appointment.
Embracive :: Embracive (a.) Disposed to embrace; fond of caressing.
Slanderous :: Slanderous (a.) Given or disposed to slander; uttering slander.
Bosquet :: Bosquet (n.) A grove; a thicket; shrubbery; an inclosure formed by branches of trees, regularly or irregularly disposed..
Repugnant :: Repugnant (a.) Disposed to fight against; hostile; at war with; being at variance; contrary; inconsistent; refractory; disobedient; also, distasteful in a high degree; offensive; -- usually followed by to, rarely and less properly by with; as, all rudeness was repugnant to her nature..
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