Definition of display

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Display (v. t.) To unfold; to spread wide; to expand; to stretch out; to spread.

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Expose :: Expose (v. t.) To set forth; to set out to public view; to exhibit; to show; to display; as, to expose goods for sale; to expose pictures to public inspection..
Praise :: Praise (v.) To extol in words or song; to magnify; to glorify on account of perfections or excellent works; to do honor to; to display the excellence of; -- applied especially to the Divine Being.
Flaunt :: Flaunt (v. t.) To display ostentatiously; to make an impudent show of.
Circus :: Circus (n.) A circular inclosure for the exhibition of feats of horsemanship, acrobatic displays, etc. Also, the company of performers, with their equipage..
Cosmos :: Cosmos (n.) The universe or universality of created things; -- so called from the order and harmony displayed in it.
Parade :: Parade (v. t.) Pompous show; formal display or exhibition.
Declamation :: Declamation (n.) Pretentious rhetorical display, with more sound than sense; as, mere declamation..
Humorist :: Humorist (n.) One who displays humor in speaking or writing; one who has a facetious fancy or genius; a wag; a droll.
Spluttered :: Splurge (v. i.) To make a great display in any way, especially in oratory..
Escutcheon :: Escutcheon (n.) The surface, usually a shield, upon which bearings are marshaled and displayed. The surface of the escutcheon is called the field, the upper part is called the chief, and the lower part the base (see Chiff, and Field.). That side of the escutcheon which is on the right hand of the knight who bears the shield on his arm is called dexter, and the other side sinister..
Buffet :: Buffet (n.) A cupboard or set of shelves, either movable or fixed at one side of a room, for the display of plate, china, etc., a sideboard..
Display :: Display (n.) Ostentatious show; exhibition for effect; parade.
Isochasmic :: Isochasmic (a.) Indicating equal auroral display; as, an isochasmic line..
Foppish :: Foppish (a.) Foplike; characteristic of a top in dress or manners; making an ostentatious display of gay clothing; affected in manners.
Credence :: Credence (n.) A cupboard, sideboard, or cabinet, particularly one intended for the display of rich vessels or plate, and consisting chiefly of open shelves for that purpose..
Parade :: Parade (v. t.) That which is displayed; a show; a spectacle; an imposing procession; the movement of any body marshaled in military order; as, a parade of firemen..
Rack :: Rack (a.) An instrument or frame used for stretching, extending, retaining, or displaying, something..
Outlay :: Outlay (v. t.) To lay out; to spread out; to display.
Court-cupboard :: Court-cupboard (n.) A movable sideboard or buffet, on which plate and other articles of luxury were displayed on special ocasions..
Firework :: Firework (n.) A device for producing a striking display of light, or a figure or figures in plain or colored fire, by the combustion of materials that burn in some peculiar manner, as gunpowder, sulphur, metallic filings, and various salts. The most common feature of fireworks is a paper or pasteboard tube filled with the combustible material. A number of these tubes or cases are often combined so as to make, when kindled, a great variety of figures in fire, often variously colored. The skyrocke
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