Definition of disease

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Disease (n.) Lack of ease; uneasiness; trouble; vexation; disquiet.

Lern More About Disease

Gout :: Gout (n.) A constitutional disease, occurring by paroxysms. It consists in an inflammation of the fibrous and ligamentous parts of the joints, and almost always attacks first the great toe, next the smaller joints, after which it may attack the greater articulations. It is attended with various sympathetic phenomena, particularly in the digestive organs. It may also attack internal organs, as the stomach, the intestines, etc..
Scrofula :: Scrofula (n.) A constitutional disease, generally hereditary, especially manifested by chronic enlargement and cheesy degeneration of the lymphatic glands, particularly those of the neck, and marked by a tendency to the development of chronic intractable inflammations of the skin, mucous membrane, bones, joints, and other parts, and by a diminution in the power of resistance to disease or injury and the capacity for recovery. Scrofula is now generally held to be tuberculous in character, and may
Correlation :: Correlation (n.) Reciprocal relation; corresponding similarity or parallelism of relation or law; capacity of being converted into, or of giving place to, one another, under certain conditions; as, the correlation of forces, or of zymotic diseases..
Medicament :: Medicament (n.) Anything used for healing diseases or wounds; a medicine; a healing application.
Germicide :: Germicide (a.) Destructive to germs; -- applied to any agent which has a destructive action upon living germs, particularly bacteria, or bacterial germs, which are considered the cause of many infectious diseases..
Verminous :: Verminous (a.) Caused by, or arising from the presence of, vermin; as, verminous disease..
Chiropody :: Chiropody (n.) The art of treating diseases of the hands and feet.
Exacerbate :: Exacerbate (v. t.) To render more violent or bitter; to irriate; to exasperate; to imbitter, as passions or disease..
Alpestrine :: Alpestrine (a.) Pertaining to the Alps, or other high mountains; as, Alpestrine diseases, etc..
Xeroderma :: Xeroderma (n.) A skin disease characterized by the presence of numerous small pigmented spots resembling freckles, with which are subsequently mingled spots of atrophied skin..
Exanthema :: Exanthema (n.) An efflorescence or discoloration of the skin; an eruption or breaking out, as in measles, smallpox, scarlatina, and the like diseases; -- sometimes limited to eruptions attended with fever..
Isopathy :: Isopathy (n.) The doctrine that the power of therapeutics is equal to that of the causes of disease.
Farcy :: Farcy (n.) A contagious disease of horses, associated with painful ulcerating enlargements, esp. upon the head and limbs. It is of the same nature as glanders, and is often fatal. Called also farcin, and farcimen..
Exostosis :: Exostosis (n.) A knot formed upon or in the wood of trees by disease.
Complaint :: Complaint (n.) An ailment or disease of the body.
Prognostic :: Prognostic (a.) Indicating something future by signs or symptoms; foreshowing; aiding in prognosis; as, the prognostic symptoms of a disease; prognostic signs..
Succumbent :: Succumb (v. t.) To yield; to submit; to give up unresistingly; as, to succumb under calamities; to succumb to disease..
Eczema :: Eczema (n.) An inflammatory disease of the skin, characterized by the presence of redness and itching, an eruption of small vesicles, and the discharge of a watery exudation, which often dries up, leaving the skin covered with crusts; -- called also tetter, milk crust, and salt rheum..
Pock :: Pock (n.) A pustule raised on the surface of the body in variolous and vaccine diseases.
Fit :: Fit (n.) A sudden and violent attack of a disorder; a stroke of disease, as of epilepsy or apoplexy, which produces convulsions or unconsciousness; a convulsion; a paroxysm; hence, a period of exacerbation of a disease; in general, an attack of disease; as, a fit of sickness..
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