Definition of development

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Development (n.) The series of changes which animal and vegetable organisms undergo in their passage from the embryonic state to maturity, from a lower to a higher state of organization..

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Reptilia :: Reptilia (n. pl.) A class of air-breathing oviparous vertebrates, usually covered with scales or bony plates. The heart generally has two auricles and one ventricle. The development of the young is the same as that of birds..
Viable :: Viable (a.) Capable of living; born alive and with such form and development of organs as to be capable of living; -- said of a newborn, or a prematurely born, infant..
Gamomorphism :: Gamomorphism (n.) That stage of growth or development in an organism, in which the reproductive elements are generated and matured in preparation for propagating the species..
Growth :: Growth (n.) The process of growing; the gradual increase of an animal or a vegetable body; the development from a seed, germ, or root, to full size or maturity; increase in size, number, frequency, strength, etc.; augmentation; advancement; production; prevalence or influence; as, the growth of trade; the growth of power; the growth of intemperance. Idle weeds are fast in growth..
Pauper :: Pauper (n.) A poor person; especially, one development on private or public charity. Also used adjectively; as, pouper immigrants, pouper labor..
Rampancy :: Rampancy (n.) The quality or state of being rampant; excessive action or development; exuberance; extravagance.
Ramification :: Ramification (n.) The process of branching, or the development of branches or offshoots from a stem; also, the mode of their arrangement..
Embryogenic :: Embryogenic (a.) Pertaining to the development of an embryo.
Pyaemia :: Pyaemia (n.) A form of blood poisoning produced by the absorption into the blood of morbid matters usually originating in a wound or local inflammation. It is characterized by the development of multiple abscesses throughout the body, and is attended with irregularly recurring chills, fever, profuse sweating, and exhaustion..
Maturity :: Maturity (n.) The state or quality of being mature; ripeness; full development; as, the maturity of corn or of grass; maturity of judgment; the maturity of a plan..
Tubercular :: Tubercular (a.) Characterized by the development of tubercles; as, tubercular diathesis..
Histogenesis :: Histogenesis (n.) The formation and development of organic tissues; histogeny; -- the opposite of histolysis.
Pathogeny :: Pathogeny (n.) That branch of pathology which treats of the generation and development of disease.
Development :: Development (n.) The series of changes which animal and vegetable organisms undergo in their passage from the embryonic state to maturity, from a lower to a higher state of organization..
Oogenesis :: Oogenesis (n.) The development, or mode of origin, of the ova..
Vasoformative :: Vasoformative (a.) Concerned in the development and formation of blood vessels and blood corpuscles; as, the vasoformative cells..
Hotbed :: Hotbed (n.) A place which favors rapid growth or development; as, a hotbed of sedition..
Philology :: Philology (n.) The study of language, especially in a philosophical manner and as a science; the investigation of the laws of human speech, the relation of different tongues to one another, and historical development of languages; linguistic science..
Canker :: Canker (n.) An obstinate and often incurable disease of a horse's foot, characterized by separation of the horny portion and the development of fungoid growths; -- usually resulting from neglected thrush..
Slavophile :: Slavophile (n.) One, not being a Slav, who is interested in the development and prosperity of that race..
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