Definition of deportment

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Deportment (n.) Manner of deporting or demeaning one's self; manner of acting; conduct; carriage; especially, manner of acting with respect to the courtesies and duties of life; behavior; demeanor; bearing..

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Gentleship :: Gentleship (n.) The deportment or conduct of a gentleman.
Action :: Action (n.) Gesticulation; the external deportment of the speaker, or the suiting of his attitude, voice, gestures, and countenance, to the subject, or to the feelings..
Exterior :: Exterior (n.) Outward or external deportment, form, or ceremony; visible act; as, the exteriors of religion..
Exorbitancy :: Exorbitancy (n.) A going out of or beyond the usual or due limit; hence, enormity; extravagance; gross deviation from rule, right, or propriety; as, the exorbitances of the tongue or of deportment; exorbitance of demands..
Excuse :: Excuse (v. t.) That which is offered as a reason for being excused; a plea offered in extenuation of a fault or irregular deportment; apology; as, an excuse for neglect of duty; excuses for delay of payment..
Conduct :: Conduct (n.) The manner of guiding or carrying one's self; personal deportment; mode of action; behavior.
Comport :: Comport (n.) Manner of acting; behavior; conduct; deportment.
Repose :: Repose (v.) Rest of mind; tranquillity; freedom from uneasiness; also, a composed manner or deportment..
Breeding :: Breeding (n.) Deportment or behavior in the external offices and decorums of social life; manners; knowledge of, or training in, the ceremonies, or polite observances of society..
Complaisance :: Complaisance (n.) Disposition to please or oblige; obliging compliance with the wishes of others; a deportment indicative of a desire to please; courtesy; civility.
Behavior :: Behavior (n.) Manner of behaving, whether good or bad; mode of conducting one's self; conduct; deportment; carriage; -- used also of inanimate objects; as, the behavior of a ship in a storm; the behavior of the magnetic needle..
Uneasy :: Uneasy (a.) Not easy in manner; constrained; stiff; awkward; not graceful; as, an uneasy deportment..
Deporture :: Deporture (n.) Deportment.
Exactness :: Exactness (n.) The condition of being exact; accuracy; nicety; precision; regularity; as, exactness of jurgement or deportment..
Deport :: Deport (n.) Behavior; carriage; demeanor; deportment.
Demeanor :: Demeanor (v. t.) Behavior; deportment; carriage; bearing; mien.
Levity :: Levity (n.) Lack of gravity and earnestness in deportment or character; trifling gayety; frivolity; sportiveness; vanity.
Port :: Port (n.) The manner in which a person bears himself; deportment; carriage; bearing; demeanor; hence, manner or style of living; as, a proud port..
Moralist :: Moralist (n.) One who practices moral duties; a person who lives in conformity with moral rules; one of correct deportment and dealings with his fellow-creatures; -- sometimes used in contradistinction to one whose life is controlled by religious motives.
Grave :: Grave (superl.) Of importance; momentous; weighty; influential; sedate; serious; -- said of character, relations, etc.; as, grave deportment, character, influence, etc..
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