Definition of definition

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Definition (n.) Act of ascertaining and explaining the signification; a description of a thing by its properties; an explanation of the meaning of a word or term; as, the definition of circle; the definition of wit; an exact definition; a loose definition..

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Super :: Super- () A prefix formerly much used to denote that the ingredient to the name of which it was prefixed was present in a large, or unusually large, proportion as compared with the other ingredients; as in calcium superphosphate. It has been superseded by per-, bi-, di-, acid, etc. (as peroxide, bicarbonate, disulphide, and acid sulphate), which retain the old meanings of super-, but with sharper definition. Cf. Acid, a., Bi-, Di-, and Per-..
Definitional :: Definitional (a.) Relating to definition; of the nature of a definition; employed in defining.
Definition :: Definition (n.) Act of ascertaining and explaining the signification; a description of a thing by its properties; an explanation of the meaning of a word or term; as, the definition of circle; the definition of wit; an exact definition; a loose definition..
Definement :: Definement (n.) The act of defining; definition; description.
Explanation :: Explanation (n.) The meaning attributed to anything by one who explains it; definition; interpretation; sense.
Glossology :: Glossology (n.) The definition and explanation of terms; a glossary.
Maieutical :: Maieutical (a.) Fig. : Aiding, or tending to, the definition and interpretation of thoughts or language..
Adequate :: Adequate (a.) Equal to some requirement; proportionate, or correspondent; fully sufficient; as, powers adequate to a great work; an adequate definition..
Lexicon :: Lexicon (n.) A vocabulary, or book containing an alphabetical arrangement of the words in a language or of a considerable number of them, with the definition of each; a dictionary; especially, a dictionary of the Greek, Hebrew, or Latin language..
Locust :: Locust (n.) The locust tree. See Locust Tree (definition, note, and phrases)..
Undefine :: Undefine (v. t.) To make indefinite; to obliterate or confuse the definition or limitations of.
Nominal :: Nominal (a.) Of or pertaining to a name or names; having to do with the literal meaning of a word; verbal; as, a nominal definition..
Vase :: Vase (n.) A vessel similar to that described in the first definition above, or the representation of one in a solid block of stone, or the like, used for an ornament, as on a terrace or in a garden. See Illust. of Niche..
Anthorism :: Anthorism (n.) A description or definition contrary to that which is given by the adverse party.
Diorism :: Diorism (n.) Definition; logical direction.
Lexigraphy :: Lexigraphy (n.) The art or practice of defining words; definition of words.
A Priori :: A priori () Characterizing that kind of reasoning which deduces consequences from definitions formed, or principles assumed, or which infers effects from causes previously known; deductive or deductively. The reverse of a posteriori..
Antepredicament :: Antepredicament (n.) A prerequisite to a clear understanding of the predicaments and categories, such as definitions of common terms..
A Posteriori :: A posteriori () Characterizing that kind of reasoning which derives propositions from the observation of facts, or by generalizations from facts arrives at principles and definitions, or infers causes from effects. This is the reverse of a priori reasoning..
Definition :: Definition (n.) Distinctness or clearness, as of an image formed by an optical instrument; precision in detail..
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