Definition of deceit

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Deceit (n.) An attempt or disposition to deceive or lead into error; any declaration, artifice, or practice, which misleads another, or causes him to believe what is false; a contrivance to entrap; deception; a wily device; fraud..

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Illusive :: Illusive (a.) Deceiving by false show; deceitful; deceptive; false; illusory; unreal.
Double-tongued :: Double-tongued (a.) Making contrary declarations on the same subject; deceitful.
Snaky :: Snaky (a.) Sly; cunning; insinuating; deceitful.
Cunning :: Cunning (a.) The faculty or act of using stratagem to accomplish a purpose; fraudulent skill or dexterity; deceit; craft.
Malengine :: Malengine (n.) Evil machination; guile; deceit.
Covinous :: Covinous (a.) Deceitful; collusive; fraudulent; dishonest.
Covin :: Covin (n.) Deceit; fraud; artifice.
Palaver :: Palaver (v. t. & i.) To make palaver with, or to; to used palaver;to talk idly or deceitfully; to employ flattery; to cajole; as, to palaver artfully..
Self-imposture :: Self-imposture (n.) Imposture practiced on one's self; self-deceit.
Palter :: Palter (v. i.) To act in insincere or deceitful manner; to play false; to equivocate; to shift; to dodge; to trifle.
Cozen :: Cozen (v. i.) To deceive; to cheat; to act deceitfully.
Guile :: Guile (n.) Craft; deceitful cunning; artifice; duplicity; wile; deceit; treachery.
Ruse :: Ruse (n.) An artifice; trick; stratagem; wile; fraud; deceit.
Cunning :: Cunning (a.) Crafty; sly; artful; designing; deceitful.
Glossy :: Glossy (superl.) Smooth; specious; plausible; as, glossy deceit..
Insidious :: Insidious (a.) Intended to entrap; characterized by treachery and deceit; as, insidious arts..
Deceitfulness :: Deceitfulness (n.) Tendency to mislead or deceive.
Deceivable :: Deceivable (a.) Fitted to deceive; deceitful.
Deceitfulness :: Deceitfulness (n.) The quality of being deceitful; as, the deceitfulness of a man's practices..
Trumpery :: Trumpery (n.) Deceit; fraud.
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