Definition of akin

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of akin is as below...

Akin (a.) Of the same kin; related by blood; -- used of persons; as, the two families are near akin..

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Lexicography :: Lexicography (n.) The art, process, or occupation of making a lexicon or dictionary; the principles which are applied in making dictionaries..
Auspicate :: Auspicate (v. t.) To give a favorable turn to in commencing; to inaugurate; -- a sense derived from the Roman practice of taking the auspicium, or inspection of birds, before undertaking any important business..
Creak :: Creak (n.) The sound produced by anything that creaks; a creaking.
Rut :: Rut (n.) Roaring, as of waves breaking upon the shore; rote. See Rote..
Deterration :: Deterration (n.) The uncovering of anything buried or covered with earth; a taking out of the earth or ground.
Consolidant :: Consolidant (a.) Serving to unite or consolidate; having the quality of consolidating or making firm.
Return :: Return (n.) The profit on, or advantage received from, labor, or an investment, undertaking, adventure, etc..
Blond Metal :: Blond metal () A variety of clay ironstone, in Staffordshire, England, used for making tools..
Tremor :: Tremor (v.) A trembling; a shivering or shaking; a quivering or vibratory motion; as, the tremor of a person who is weak, infirm, or old..
Mould :: Mould (n.) A frame with a wire cloth bottom, on which the pump is drained to form a sheet, in making paper by hand..
Pattypan :: Pattypan (n.) A pan for baking patties.
Auspice :: Auspice (a.) A divining or taking of omens by observing birds; an omen as to an undertaking, drawn from birds; an augury; an omen or sign in general; an indication as to the future..
Somnambulism :: Somnambulism (n.) A condition of the nervous system in which an individual during sleep performs actions approppriate to the waking state; a state of sleep in which some of the senses and voluntary powers are partially awake; noctambulism.
Arreption :: Arreption (n.) The act of taking away.
Portraiture :: Portraiture (n.) The art or practice of making portraits.
Parting :: Parting (n.) A separation; a leave-taking.
Inquirent :: Inquirent (a.) Making inquiry; inquiring; questioning.
Overlay :: Overlay (n.) A piece of paper pasted upon the tympan sheet to improve the impression by making it stronger at a particular place.
Vulgarization :: Vulgarization (n.) The act or process of making vulgar, or common..
Lapillation :: Lapillation (n.) The state of being, or the act of making, stony..
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