Definition of curve

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Curve (a.) A bending without angles; that which is bent; a flexure; as, a curve in a railway or canal..

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Pitot''s Tube :: Pitot's tube () A bent tube used to determine the velocity of running water, by placing the curved end under water, and observing the height to which the fluid rises in the tube; a kind of current meter..
Cucumiform :: Cucumiform (a.) Having the form of a cucumber; having the form of a cylinder tapered and rounded at the ends, and either straight or curved..
Bent :: Bent (v.) The state of being curved, crooked, or inclined from a straight line; flexure; curvity; as, the bent of a bow..
Falx :: Falx (n.) A curved fold or process of the dura mater or the peritoneum; esp., one of the partitionlike folds of the dura mater which extend into the great fissures of the brain..
Hypodicrotous :: Hypodicrotous (a.) Exhibiting retarded dicrotism; as, a hypodicrotic pulse curve..
Bow :: Bow (v. i.) To bend; to curve.
Retort :: Retort (n.) To bend or curve back; as, a retorted line..
Straight :: Straight (superl.) Approximately straight; not much curved; as, straight ribs are such as pass from the base of a leaf to the apex, with a small curve..
Ibex :: Ibex (n.) One of several species of wild goats having very large, recurved horns, transversely ridged in front; -- called also steinbok..
Graille :: Graille (n.) A halfround single-cut file or fioat, having one curved face and one straight face, -- used by comb makers..
Bow :: Bow (v. t.) Anything bent, or in the form of a curve, as the rainbow..
Ellipse :: Ellipse (n.) An oval or oblong figure, bounded by a regular curve, which corresponds to an oblique projection of a circle, or an oblique section of a cone through its opposite sides. The greatest diameter of the ellipse is the major axis, and the least diameter is the minor axis. See Conic section, under Conic, and cf. Focus..
Envelop :: Envelop (n.) A curve or surface which is tangent to each member of a system of curves or surfaces, the form and position of the members of the system being allowed to vary according to some continuous law. Thus, any curve is the envelope of its tangents..
Curviform :: Curviform (a.) Having a curved form.
Anacrotism :: Anacrotism (n.) A secondary notch in the pulse curve, obtained in a sphygmographic tracing..
Horn :: Horn (n.) An incurved, tapering and pointed appendage found in the flowers of the milkweed (Asclepias)..
Tricrotism :: Tricrotism (n.) That condition of the arterial pulse in which there is a triple beat. The pulse curve obtained in the sphygmographic tracing characteristic of tricrotism shows two secondary crests in addition to the primary.
Recurve :: Recurve (v. t.) To curve in an opposite or unusual direction; to bend back or down.
Winding :: Winding (n.) A turn or turning; a bend; a curve; flexure; meander; as, the windings of a road or stream..
Curvilinead :: Curvilinead (n.) An instrument for drawing curved lines.
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