Definition of airy

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Airy (a.) Relating or belonging to air; high in air; aerial; as, an airy flight..

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Pilose :: Pilose (a.) Hairy; full of, or made of, hair..
Dairy :: Dairy (n.) That department of farming which is concerned in the production of milk, and its conversion into butter and cheese..
Airy :: Airy (a.) Having an affected manner; being in the habit of putting on airs; affectedly grand.
Earthpea :: Earthpea (n.) A species of pea (Amphicarpaea monoica). It is a climbing leguminous plant, with hairy underground pods..
Barbigerous :: Barbigerous (a.) Having a beard; bearded; hairy.
Jocund :: Jocund () Merry; cheerful; gay; airy; lively; sportive.
Sylph :: Sylph (n.) An imaginary being inhabiting the air; a fairy.
Airily :: Airily (adv.) In an airy manner; lightly; gaily; jauntily; flippantly.
Pelt :: Pelt (n.) The skin of a beast with the hair on; a raw or undressed hide; a skin preserved with the hairy or woolly covering on it. See 4th Fell.
Glaireous :: Glaireous (a.) Glairy; covered with glair.
Airy :: Airy (a.) Light of heart; vivacious; sprightly; flippant; superficial.
Sprite :: Sprite (n.) An elf; a fairy; a goblin.
Mygale :: Mygale (n.) A genus of very large hairy spiders having four lungs and only four spinnerets. They do not spin webs, but usually construct tubes in the earth, which are often furnished with a trapdoor. The South American bird spider (Mygale avicularia), and the crab spider, or matoutou (M. cancerides) are among the largest species. Some of the species are erroneously called tarantulas, as the Texas tarantula (M. Hentzii)..
Breezy :: Breezy (a.) Characterized by, or having, breezes; airy..
Glareous :: Glareous (a.) Glairy.
Dairymen :: Dairymen (pl. ) of Dairyma.
Sylvae :: Sylphlike (a.) Like a sylph; airy; graceful.
Shrimp :: Shrimp (v.) In a loose sense, any small crustacean, including some amphipods and even certain entomostracans; as, the fairy shrimp, and brine shrimp. See under Fairy, and Brine..
Sparkish :: Sparkish (a.) Like a spark; airy; gay.
Caterpillar :: Caterpillar (n.) The larval state of a butterfly or any lepidopterous insect; sometimes, but less commonly, the larval state of other insects, as the sawflies, which are also called false caterpillars. The true caterpillars have three pairs of true legs, and several pairs of abdominal fleshy legs (prolegs) armed with hooks. Some are hairy, others naked. They usually feed on leaves, fruit, and succulent vegetables, being often very destructive, Many of them are popularly called worms, as the cutw
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