Definition of air

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Air (n.) Utterance abroad; publicity; vent.

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Gimmal :: Gimmal (n.) Joined work whose parts move within each other; a pair or series of interlocked rings.
Cat''s-paw :: Cat's-paw (n.) A light transitory air which ruffles the surface of the water during a calm, or the ripples made by such a puff of air..
Suspensation :: Suspender (n.) One who, or that which, suspends; esp., one of a pair of straps or braces worn over the shoulders, for holding up the trousers..
Elbow :: Elbow (n.) Any turn or bend like that of the elbow, in a wall, building, and the like; a sudden turn in a line of coast or course of a river; also, an angular or jointed part of any structure, as the raised arm of a chair or sofa, or a short pipe fitting, turning at an angle or bent..
Labefy :: Labefy (v. t.) To weaken or impair.
Hurl :: Hurl (v. t.) To send whirling or whizzing through the air; to throw with violence; to drive with great force; as, to hurl a stone or lance..
Xebec :: Xebec (n.) A small three-masted vessel, with projecting bow stern and convex decks, used in the Mediterranean for transporting merchandise, etc. It carries large square sails, or both. Xebecs were formerly armed and used by corsairs..
Hydroscope :: Hydroscope (n.) An instrument designed to mark the presence of water, especially in air..
First :: First (n.) The upper part of a duet, trio, etc., either vocal or instrumental; -- so called because it generally expresses the air, and has a preeminence in the combined effect..
Pole :: Pole (n.) A long, slender piece of wood; a tall, slender piece of timber; the stem of a small tree whose branches have been removed; as, specifically: (a) A carriage pole, a wooden bar extending from the front axle of a carriage between the wheel horses, by which the carriage is guided and held back. (b) A flag pole, a pole on which a flag is supported. (c) A Maypole. See Maypole. (d) A barber's pole, a pole painted in stripes, used as a sign by barbers and hairdressers. (e) A pole on which clim
Clairvoyant :: Clairvoyant (n.) One who is able, when in a mesmeric state, to discern objects not present to the senses..
Gale :: Gale (n.) A moderate current of air; a breeze.
Bonfire :: Bonfire (n.) A large fire built in the open air, as an expression of public joy and exultation, or for amusement..
Off :: Off (a.) Designating a time when one is not strictly attentive to business or affairs, or is absent from his post, and, hence, a time when affairs are not urgent; as, he took an off day for fishing: an off year in politics..
Frill :: Frill (v. i.) A ruffle, consisting of a fold of membrane, of hairs, or of feathers, around the neck of an animal..
Close :: Close (v. t.) Short; as, to cut grass or hair close..
Dichotomize :: Dichotomize (v. t.) To cut into two parts; to part into two divisions; to divide into pairs; to bisect.
Millionairess :: Millionairess (n.) A woman who is a millionaire, or the wife of a millionaire..
Gastropoda :: Gastropoda (n. pl.) One of the classes of Mollusca, of great extent. It includes most of the marine spiral shells, and the land and fresh-water snails. They generally creep by means of a flat, muscular disk, or foot, on the ventral side of the body. The head usually bears one or two pairs of tentacles. See Mollusca..
Throne :: Throne (n.) A chair of state, commonly a royal seat, but sometimes the seat of a prince, bishop, or other high dignitary..
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