Definition of agreement

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Agreement (n.) State of agreeing; harmony of opinion, statement, action, or character; concurrence; concord; conformity; as, a good agreement subsists among the members of the council..

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Difference :: Difference (n.) Disagreement in opinion; dissension; controversy; quarrel; hence, cause of dissension; matter in controversy..
Parse :: Parse (n.) To resolve into its elements, as a sentence, pointing out the several parts of speech, and their relation to each other by government or agreement; to analyze and describe grammatically..
Provide :: Provide (v. i.) To stipulate previously; to condition; as, the agreement provides for an early completion of the work..
Rent :: Rent (n.) To take and hold under an agreement to pay rent; as, the tennant rents an estate of the owner..
Pact :: Pact (v.) An agreement; a league; a compact; a covenant.
Uniformity :: Uniformity (n.) Conformity to a pattern or rule; resemblance, consonance, or agreement; as, the uniformity of different churches in ceremonies or rites..
Harmonist :: Harmonist (n.) One who shows the agreement or harmony of corresponding passages of different authors, as of the four evangelists..
Conspiration :: Conspiration (n.) Agreement or concurrence for some end or purpose; conspiracy.
Protocol :: Protocol (n.) An agreement of diplomatists indicating the results reached by them at a particular stage of a negotiation.
Contract :: Contract (n.) The agreement of two or more persons, upon a sufficient consideration or cause, to do, or to abstain from doing, some act; an agreement in which a party undertakes to do, or not to do, a particular thing; a formal bargain; a compact; an interchange of legal rights..
Federal :: Federal (a.) Pertaining to a league or treaty; derived from an agreement or covenant between parties, especially between nations; constituted by a compact between parties, usually governments or their representatives..
Quarrel :: Quarrel (v. i.) To violate concord or agreement; to have a difference; to fall out; to be or become antagonistic.
Consonant :: Consonant (a.) Having agreement; congruous; consistent; according; -- usually followed by with or to.
Harmony :: Harmony (n.) A literary work which brings together or arranges systematically parallel passages of historians respecting the same events, and shows their agreement or consistency; as, a harmony of the Gospels..
Unwritten :: Unwritten (a.) Not written; not reduced to writing; oral; as, unwritten agreements..
Primage :: Primage (n.) A charge in addition to the freight; originally, a gratuity to the captain for his particular care of the goods (sometimes called hat money), but now belonging to the owners or freighters of the vessel, unless by special agreement the whole or part is assigned to the captain..
Misintelligence :: Misintelligence (n.) Disagreement; misunderstanding.
Conform :: Conform (v. t.) To shape in accordance with; to make like; to bring into harmony or agreement with; -- usually with to or unto.
Discrepancy :: Discrepancy (n.) The state or quality of being discrepant; disagreement; variance; discordance; dissimilarity; contrariety.
Bon-accord :: Bon-accord (n.) Good will; good fellowship; agreement.
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