Definition of country

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Country (a.) Pertaining, or peculiar, to one's own country..

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Traitress :: Traitress (n.) A woman who betrays her country or any trust; a traitoress.
Hungary :: Hungary (n.) A country in Central Europe, now a part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire..
Birthplace :: Birthplace (n.) The town, city, or country, where a person is born; place of origin or birth, in its more general sense..
Incapable :: Incapable (a.) As a term of disgrace, sometimes annexed to a sentence when an officer has been cashiered and rendered incapable of serving his country..
Triangulation :: Triangulation (n.) The series or network of triangles into which the face of a country, or any portion of it, is divided in a trigonometrical survey; the operation of measuring the elements necessary to determine the triangles into which the country to be surveyed is supposed to be divided, and thus to fix the positions and distances of the several points connected by them..
Mosstrooper :: Mosstrooper (n.) One of a class of marauders or bandits that formerly infested the border country between England and Scotland; -- so called in allusion to the mossy or boggy character of much of the border country.
Sufficient :: Sufficient (a.) Equal to the end proposed; adequate to wants; enough; ample; competent; as, provision sufficient for the family; an army sufficient to defend the country..
Country Seat :: Country seat () A dwelling in the country, used as a place of retirement from the city..
Heath :: Heath (n.) A place overgrown with heath; any cheerless tract of country overgrown with shrubs or coarse herbage.
Heart :: Heart (n.) The nearest the middle or center; the part most hidden and within; the inmost or most essential part of any body or system; the source of life and motion in any organization; the chief or vital portion; the center of activity, or of energetic or efficient action; as, the heart of a country, of a tree, etc..
Commark :: Commark (n.) The frontier of a country; confines.
Cohabitant :: Cohabitant (n.) One who dwells with another, or in the same place or country..
Hang :: Hang (v. i.) To hover; to impend; to appear threateningly; -- usually with over; as, evils hang over the country..
Voyage :: Voyage (n.) Formerly, a passage either by sea or land; a journey, in general; but not chiefly limited to a passing by sea or water from one place, port, or country, to another; especially, a passing or journey by water to a distant place or country..
Heathenism :: Heathenism (n.) The manners or morals usually prevalent in a heathen country; ignorance; rudeness; barbarism.
Chalet :: Chalet (n.) A summer cottage or country house in the Swiss mountains; any country house built in the style of the Swiss cottages.
Limit :: Limit (v. t.) That which terminates, circumscribes, restrains, or confines; the bound, border, or edge; the utmost extent; as, the limit of a walk, of a town, of a country; the limits of human knowledge or endeavor..
Hamlet :: Hamlet (n.) A small village; a little cluster of houses in the country.
Cathay :: Cathay (n.) China; -- an old name for the Celestial Empire, said have been introduced by Marco Polo and to be a corruption of the Tartar name for North China (Khitai, the country of the Khitans.).
Constitution :: Constitution (n.) The fundamental, organic law or principles of government of men, embodied in written documents, or implied in the institutions and usages of the country or society; also, a written instrument embodying such organic law, and laying down fundamental rules and principles for the conduct of affairs..
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