Definition of agog

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Agog (a. & adv.) In eager desire; eager; astir.

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Paragogical :: Paragogical (a.) Of, pertaining to, or constituting, a paragoge; added to the end of, or serving to lengthen, a word..
Apagoge :: Apagoge (n.) An indirect argument which proves a thing by showing the impossibility or absurdity of the contrary.
Phlegmagogue :: Phlegmagogue (n.) A medicine supposed to expel phlegm.
Pedagogue :: Pedagogue (n.) One who by teaching has become formal, positive, or pedantic in his ways; one who has the manner of a schoolmaster; a pedant..
Demagogue :: Demagogue (n.) A leader of the rabble; one who attempts to control the multitude by specious or deceitful arts; an unprincipled and factious mob orator or political leader.
Helminthagogue :: Helminthagogue (n.) A vermifuge.
Paragogic :: Paragogic (a.) Alt. of Paragogica.
Menagogue :: Menagogue (n.) Emmenagogue.
Synalepha :: Synagogue (n.) Any assembly of men.
Synagogue :: Synagogue (n.) The council of, probably, 120 members among the Jews, first appointed after the return from the Babylonish captivity; -- called also the Great Synagogue, and sometimes, though erroneously, the Sanhedrin..
Psychagogue :: Psychagogue (n.) A necromancer.
Agog :: Agog (a. & adv.) In eager desire; eager; astir.
Demagogical :: Demagogical (a.) Relating to, or like, a demagogue; factious..
Elder :: Elder (a.) A person who, on account of his age, occupies the office of ruler or judge; hence, a person occupying any office appropriate to such as have the experience and dignity which age confers; as, the elders of Israel; the elders of the synagogue; the elders in the apostolic church..
Scleragogy :: Scleragogy (n.) Severe discipline.
Anagogics :: Anagogics (n. pl.) Mystical interpretations or studies, esp. of the Scriptures..
Epagogic :: Epagogic (a.) Inductive.
Anagogical :: Anagogical (a.) Mystical; having a secondary spiritual meaning; as, the rest of the Sabbath, in an anagogical sense, signifies the repose of the saints in heaven; an anagogical explication..
Emmenagogue :: Emmenagogue (n.) A medicine that promotes the menstrual discharge.
Anagoge :: Anagoge (n.) An elevation of mind to things celestial.
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