Definition of corrupt

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Corrupt (v. t.) To debase or render impure by alterations or innovations; to falsify; as, to corrupt language; to corrupt the sacred text..

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Debaucher :: Debaucher (n.) One who debauches or corrupts others; especially, a seducer to lewdness..
Reformation :: Reformation (n.) The act of reforming, or the state of being reformed; change from worse to better; correction or amendment of life, manners, or of anything vicious or corrupt; as, the reformation of manners; reformation of the age; reformation of abuses..
Corruptionist :: Corruptionist (n.) One who corrupts, or who upholds corruption..
Curtelasse :: Curtelasse () A corruption of Cutlass.
Rot :: Rot (v. i.) Figuratively: To perish slowly; to decay; to die; to become corrupt.
Jobbery :: "Jobbery (n.) Underhand management; official corruption; as, municipal jobbery..
Corruption :: Corruption (n.) The act of corrupting or making putrid, or state of being corrupt or putrid; decomposition or disorganization, in the process of putrefaction; putrefaction; deterioration..
Virus :: Virus (v. i.) Fig.: Any morbid corrupting quality in intellectual or moral conditions; something that poisons the mind or the soul; as, the virus of obscene books..
Incorruptible :: Incorruptible (a.) Not corruptible; incapable of corruption, decay, or dissolution; as, gold is incorruptible..
Infectious :: Infectious (a.) Corrupting, or tending to corrupt or contaminate; vitiating; demoralizing..
Simony :: Simony (n.) The crime of buying or selling ecclesiastical preferment; the corrupt presentation of any one to an ecclesiastical benefice for money or reward.
Bastardly :: Bastardly (a.) Bastardlike; baseborn; spurious; corrupt.
Flagitious :: Flagitious (a.) Guilty of enormous crimes; corrupt; profligate; -- said of persons.
Extortion :: Extortion (n.) The offense committed by an officer who corruptly claims and takes, as his fee, money, or other thing of value, that is not due, or more than is due, or before it is due..
Emendation :: Emendation (n.) Alteration by editorial criticism, as of a text so as to give a better reading; removal of errors or corruptions from a document; as, the book might be improved by judicious emendations..
Incorrupted :: Incorrupted (a.) Uncorrupted.
Harlock :: Harlock (n.) Probably a corruption either of charlock or hardock.
Connivance :: Connivance (n.) Corrupt or guilty assent to wrongdoing, not involving actual participation in, but knowledge of, and failure to prevent or oppose it..
Reform :: Reform (v. t.) To put into a new and improved form or condition; to restore to a former good state, or bring from bad to good; to change from worse to better; to amend; to correct; as, to reform a profligate man; to reform corrupt manners or morals..
Queck :: Queck (v. i.) A word occurring in a corrupt passage of Bacon's Essays, and probably meaning, to stir, to move..
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