Definition of corona

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Corona (n.) Any crownlike appendage at the top of an organ.

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Corona :: Corona (n.) The shelly skeleton of a sea urchin.
Tonsure :: Tonsure (n.) The shaven corona, or crown, which priests wear as a mark of their order and of their rank..
Coronal :: Coronal (a.) Of or pertaining to the shell of a sea urchin.
Incoronate :: Incoronate (a.) Crowned.
Corona :: Corona (n.) Any crownlike appendage at the top of an organ.
Bregma :: Bregma (n.) The point of junction of the coronal and sagittal sutures of the skull.
Coronal :: Coronal (a.) Of or pertaining to the top of the head or skull.
Corona :: Corona (n.) A crown or garland bestowed among the Romans as a reward for distinguished services.
Goura :: Goura (n.) One of several species of large, crested ground pigeons of the genus Goura, inhabiting New Guinea and adjacent islands. The Queen Victoria pigeon (Goura Victoria) and the crowned pigeon (G. coronata) are among the beat known species..
Leucosphere :: Leucosphere (n.) The inner corona.
Coronated :: Coronated (a.) Having a crest or a crownlike appendage.
Coronamen :: Coronamen (n.) The upper margin of a hoof; a coronet.
Hold :: Hold (n.) A character [thus /] placed over or under a note or rest, and indicating that it is to be prolonged; -- called also pause, and corona..
Bed-moulding :: Bed-moulding (n.) The molding of a cornice immediately below the corona.
Coronas :: Coronas (pl. ) of Coron.
Corona :: Corona (n.) A peculiar phase of the aurora borealis, formed by the concentration or convergence of luminous beams around the point in the heavens indicated by the direction of the dipping needle..
Coronated :: Coronated (a.) Having the coronal feathers lengthened or otherwise distinguished; -- said of birds.
Corona :: Corona (n.) A peculiar luminous appearance, or aureola, which surrounds the sun, and which is seen only when the sun is totally eclipsed by the moon..
Coronary :: Coronary (n.) A small bone in the foot of a horse.
Coronation :: Coronation (n.) The act or solemnity of crowning a sovereign; the act of investing a prince with the insignia of royalty, on his succeeding to the sovereignty..
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