Definition of cop

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Cop (n.) A conical or conical-ended mass of coiled thread, yarn, or roving, wound upon a spindle, etc..

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Galvanoplastic :: Galvanoplastic (a.) Of or pertaining to the art or process of electrotyping; employing, or produced by, the process of electolytic deposition; as, a galvano-plastic copy of a medal or the like..
Cupriferous :: Cupriferous (a.) Containing copper; as, cupriferous silver..
Gloria :: Gloria (n.) A portion of the Mass (Gloria in Excelsis Deo, Glory be to God on high), and also of the communion service in some churches. In the Episcopal Church the version in English is used..
Pinxit :: Pinxit () A word appended to the artist's name or initials on a painting, or engraved copy of a painting; as, Rubens pinxit, Rubens painted (this)..
Microscopist :: Microscopist (n.) One skilled in, or given to, microscopy..
Courtling :: Courtling (n.) A sycophantic courtier.
Knot :: Knot (v. i.) To copulate; -- said of toads.
Osteocope :: Osteocope (n.) Pain in the bones; a violent fixed pain in any part of a bone.
Drill :: Drill (n.) A large African baboon (Cynocephalus leucophaeus).
Episcopicide :: Episcopicide (n.) The killing of a bishop.
Clerk :: Clerk (n.) A parish officer, being a layman who leads in reading the responses of the Episcopal church service, and otherwise assists in it..
Match :: Match (v.) A person or thing equal or similar to another; one able to mate or cope with another; an equal; a mate.
Doubler :: Doubler (n.) An instrument for augmenting a very small quantity of electricity, so as to render it manifest by sparks or the electroscope..
Tough-pitch :: Tough-pitch (n.) The exact state or quality of texture and consistency of well reduced and refined copper.
Rapture :: Rapture (n.) A spasm; a fit; a syncope; delirium.
Original :: Original (a.) Not copied, imitated, or translated; new; fresh; genuine; as, an original thought; an original process; the original text of Scripture..
Anaglyptography :: Anaglyptography (n.) The art of copying works in relief, or of engraving as to give the subject an embossed or raised appearance; -- used in representing coins, bas-reliefs, etc..
Cup-rose :: Cup-rose (n.) Red poppy. See Cop-rose.
Scopiform :: Scopiform (a.) Having the form of a broom or besom.
Sycophantish :: Sycophantical (a.) Of or pertaining to a sycophant; characteristic of a sycophant; meanly or obsequiously flattering; courting favor by mean adulation; parasitic.
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