Definition of contrivance

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Contrivance (n.) The thing contrived, invented, or planned; disposition of parts or causes by design; a scheme; plan; atrifice; arrangement..

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Gimbals :: Gimbals (n.) A contrivance for permitting a body to incline freely in all directions, or for suspending anything, as a barometer, ship's compass, chronometer, etc., so that it will remain plumb, or level, when its support is tipped, as by the rolling of a ship. It consists of a ring in which the body can turn on an axis through a diameter of the ring, while the ring itself is so pivoted to its support that it can turn about a diameter at right angles to the first..
Governor :: Governor (n.) A contrivance applied to steam engines, water wheels, and other machinery, to maintain nearly uniform speed when the resistances and motive force are variable..
Vane :: Vane (n.) A contrivance attached to some elevated object for the purpose of showing which way the wind blows; a weathercock. It is usually a plate or strip of metal, or slip of wood, often cut into some fanciful form, and placed upon a perpendicular axis around which it moves freely..
Wellhole :: Wellhole (n.) A cavity which receives a counterbalancing weight in certain mechanical contrivances, and is adapted also for other purposes..
Jack :: "Jack (n.) A machine or contrivance for turning a spit; a smoke jack, or kitchen jack..
Lock-down :: Lock-down (n.) A contrivance to fasten logs together in rafting; -- used by lumbermen.
Alarm :: Alarm (n.) A mechanical contrivance for awaking persons from sleep, or rousing their attention; an alarum..
Chuck :: Chuck (n.) A contrivance or machine fixed to the mandrel of a lathe, for holding a tool or the material to be operated upon..
Consult :: Consult (v. t.) To bring about by counsel or contrivance; to devise; to contrive.
Chirogymnast :: Chirogymnast (n.) A mechanical contrivance for exercising the fingers of a pianist.
Elevator :: Elevator (n.) A mechanical contrivance, usually an endless belt or chain with a series of scoops or buckets, for transferring grain to an upper loft for storage..
Vehicular :: Vehicular (a.) Of or pertaining to a vehicle; serving as a vehicle; as, a vehicular contrivance..
Claptrap :: Claptrap (n.) A contrivance for clapping in theaters.
Shifty :: Shifty (a.) Full of, or ready with, shifts; fertile in expedients or contrivance..
Curiousness :: Curiousness (n.) The state of being curious; exactness of workmanship; ingenuity of contrivance.
Escapement :: Escapement (n.) The contrivance in a timepiece which connects the train of wheel work with the pendulum or balance, giving to the latter the impulse by which it is kept in vibration; -- so called because it allows a tooth to escape from a pallet at each vibration..
Anchor :: Anchor (n.) Any instrument or contrivance serving a purpose like that of a ship's anchor, as an arrangement of timber to hold a dam fast; a contrivance to hold the end of a bridge cable, or other similar part; a contrivance used by founders to hold the core of a mold in place..
Eupryion :: Eupryion (n.) A contrivance for obtaining a light instantaneous, as a lucifer match..
Providential :: Providential (a.) Effected by, or referable to, divine direction or superintendence; as, the providential contrivance of thing; a providential escape..
Injector :: Injector (n.) A contrivance for forcing feed water into a steam boiler by the direct action of the steam upon the water. The water is driven into the boiler by the impulse of a jet of the steam which becomes condensed as soon as it strikes the stream of cold water it impels; -- also called Giffard's injector, from the inventor..
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