Definition of conducting

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Conducting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Conduc.

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Shunt :: Shunt (v. t.) A conducting circuit joining two points in a conductor, or the terminals of a galvanometer or dynamo, so as to form a parallel or derived circuit through which a portion of the current may pass, for the purpose of regulating the amount passing in the main circuit..
Caloriduct :: Caloriduct (n.) A tube or duct for conducting heat; a caliduct.
Navigation :: Navigation (n.) the science or art of conducting ships or vessels from one place to another, including, more especially, the method of determining a ship's position, course, distance passed over, etc., on the surface of the globe, by the principles of geometry and astronomy..
Resistance :: Resistance (n.) A certain hindrance or opposition to the passage of an electrical current or discharge offered by conducting bodies. It bears an inverse relation to the conductivity, -- good conductors having a small resistance, while poor conductors or insulators have a very high resistance. The unit of resistance is the ohm..
Diagometer :: Diagometer (n.) A sort of electroscope, invented by Rousseau, in which the dry pile is employed to measure the amount of electricity transmitted by different bodies, or to determine their conducting power..
Instrumental :: Instrumental (a.) Acting as an instrument; serving as a means; contributing to promote; conductive; helpful; serviceable; as, he was instrumental in conducting the business..
Jacket :: "Jacket (n.) An outer covering for anything, esp. a covering of some nonconducting material such as wood or felt, used to prevent radiation of heat, as from a steam boiler, cylinder, pipe, etc..
Stated :: Statecraft (n.) The art of conducting state affairs; state management; statesmanship.
Magnetiferous :: Magnetiferous (a.) Producing or conducting magnetism.
Condenser :: Condenser (n.) An instrument for concentrating electricity by the effect of induction between conducting plates separated by a nonconducting plate.
Air Vessel :: Air vessel () A vessel, cell, duct, or tube containing or conducting air; as the air vessels of insects, birds, plants, etc.; the air vessel of a pump, engine, etc. For the latter, see Air chamber. The air vessels of insects are called tracheae, of plants spiral vessels..
Differential :: Differential (n.) One of two coils of conducting wire so related to one another or to a magnet or armature common to both, that one coil produces polar action contrary to that of the other..
Manner :: Manner (n.) Characteristic mode of acting, conducting, carrying one's self, or the like; bearing; habitual style..
Conducting :: Conducting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Conduc.
Nonelectrical :: Nonelectrical (a.) Not electric; conducting electricity.
Pipe Layer :: Pipe layer () One who lays conducting pipes in the ground, as for water, gas, etc..
Carriage :: Carriage (n.) The act or manner of conducting measures or projects; management.
Course :: Course (n.) Method of procedure; manner or way of conducting; conduct; behavior.
Plumbing :: Plumbing (n.) The art of casting and working in lead, and applying it to building purposes; especially, the business of furnishing, fitting, and repairing pipes for conducting water, sewage, etc..
Flue :: Flue (n.) A passage way for conducting a current of fresh, foul, or heated air from one place to another..
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