Definition of compressed

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Compressed (a.) Flattened lengthwise.

Lern More About Compressed

Pneumotherapy :: Pneumotherapy (n.) The treatment of disease by inhalations of compressed or rarefied air.
Chaetodont :: Chaetodont (n.) A marine fish of the family Chaetodontidae. The chaetodonts have broad, compressed bodies, and usually bright colors..
Siren :: Siren (n.) An instrument for producing musical tones and for ascertaining the number of sound waves or vibrations per second which produce a note of a given pitch. The sounds are produced by a perforated rotating disk or disks. A form with two disks operated by steam or highly compressed air is used sounding an alarm to vessels in fog.
Constricted :: Constricted (a.) Contracted or compressed so as to be smaller in certain places or parts than in others.
Pressiroster :: Pressiroster (n.) One of a tribe of wading birds (Pressirostres) including those which have a compressed beak, as the plovers..
Compressed :: Compressed (a.) Pressed together; compacted; reduced in volume by pressure.
Insulite :: Insulite (n.) An insulating material, usually some variety of compressed cellulose, made of sawdust, paper pulp, cotton waste, etc..
Skimmer :: Skimmer (n.) Any species of longwinged marine birds of the genus Rhynchops, allied to the terns, but having the lower mandible compressed and much longer than the upper one. These birds fly rapidly along the surface of the water, with the lower mandible immersed, thus skimming out small fishes. The American species (R. nigra) is common on the southern coasts of the United States. Called also scissorbill, and shearbill..
Compression :: Compression (n.) The act of compressing, or state of being compressed..
Whistle :: Whistle (v. i.) An instrument in which gas or steam forced into a cavity, or against a thin edge, produces a sound more or less like that made by one who whistles through the compressed lips; as, a child's whistle; a boatswain's whistle; a steam whistle (see Steam whistle, under Steam)..
Roundfish :: Roundfish (n.) A lake whitefish (Coregonus quadrilateralis), less compressed than the common species. It is very abundant in British America and Alaska..
Firm :: Firm (superl.) Fixed; hence, closely compressed; compact; substantial; hard; solid; -- applied to the matter of bodies; as, firm flesh; firm muscles, firm wood..
Reed :: Reed (n.) A small piece of cane or wood attached to the mouthpiece of certain instruments, and set in vibration by the breath. In the clarinet it is a single fiat reed; in the oboe and bassoon it is double, forming a compressed tube..
Thuja :: Thuja (n.) A genus of evergreen trees, thickly branched, remarkable for the distichous arrangement of their branches, and having scalelike, closely imbricated, or compressed leaves..
Hybodus :: Hybodus (n.) An extinct genus of sharks having conical, compressed teeth..
Air Engine :: Air engine () An engine driven by heated or by compressed air.
Spring :: Spring (v. i.) An elastic body of any kind, as steel, India rubber, tough wood, or compressed air, used for various mechanical purposes, as receiving and imparting power, diminishing concussion, regulating motion, measuring weight or other force..
Pycnodontini :: Pycnodontini (n. pl.) An extinct order of ganoid fishes. They had a compressed body, covered with dermal ribs (pleurolepida) and with enameled rhomboidal scales..
Compressed :: Compressed (a.) Flattened lengthwise.
Taeniosomi :: Taeniosomi (n. pl.) An order of fishes remarkable for their long and compressed form. The ribbon fishes are examples. See Ribbon fish, under Ribbon..
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