Definition of close

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Close (v. t.) Disposed to keep secrets; secretive; reticent.

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Van :: Van (n.) A close railway car for baggage. See the Note under Car, 2..
Sericeous :: Sericeous (a.) Covered with very soft hairs pressed close to the surface; as, a sericeous leaf..
Crown :: Crown (n.) The area inclosed between two concentric perimeters.
Crop :: Crop (n.) Hair cut close or short, or the act or style of so cutting; as, a convict's crop..
Stick :: Stick (v. i.) To remain where placed; to be fixed; to hold fast to any position so as to be moved with difficulty; to cling; to abide; to cleave; to be united closely.
Bewray :: Bewray (v. t.) To expose; to reveal; to disclose; to betray.
Nip :: Nip (v. t.) To catch and inclose or compress tightly between two surfaces, or points which are brought together or closed; to pinch; to close in upon..
Closen :: Closen (v. t.) To make close.
Overlay :: Overlay (v. t.) To smother with a close covering, or by lying upon..
Ironclad :: Ironclad (n.) A naval vessel having the parts above water covered and protected by iron or steel usually in large plates closely joined and made sufficiently thick and strong to resist heavy shot.
Occlude :: Occlude (v. t.) To shut up; to close.
Gymnoblastea :: Gymnoblastea (n. pl.) The Athecata; -- so called because the medusoid buds are not inclosed in a capsule.
Compact :: Compact (p. p. & a) Brief; close; pithy; not diffuse; not verbose; as, a compact discourse..
Weld :: Weld (v. t.) Fig.: To unite closely or intimately.
Kerasin :: Kerasin (n.) A nitrogenous substance free from phosphorus, supposed to be present in the brain; a body closely related to cerebrin..
Blueback :: Blueback (n.) An American river herring (Clupea aestivalis), closely allied to the alewife..
Shave :: Shave (v. t.) To make bare or smooth by cutting off closely the surface, or surface covering, of; especially, to remove the hair from with a razor or other sharp instrument; to take off the beard or hair of; as, to shave the face or the crown of the head; he shaved himself..
Joust :: Joust (v. i.) A tilting match; a mock combat on horseback between two knights in the lists or inclosed field.
Incase :: Incase (v. t.) To inclose in a case; to inclose; to cover or surround with something solid.
Conclusion :: Conclusion (n.) The last part of anything; close; termination; end.
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