Definition of circle

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Circle (n.) To encompass, as by a circle; to surround; to inclose; to encircle..

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White-eye :: White-eye (n.) Any one of several species of small Old World singing of the genus Zosterops, as Zosterops palpebrosus of India, and Z. c/rulescens of Australia. The eyes are encircled by a ring of white feathers, whence the name. Called also bush creeper, and white-eyed tit..
Definition :: Definition (n.) Act of ascertaining and explaining the signification; a description of a thing by its properties; an explanation of the meaning of a word or term; as, the definition of circle; the definition of wit; an exact definition; a loose definition..
Halo :: Halo (v. t. & i.) To form, or surround with, a halo; to encircle with, or as with, a halo..
Actinotrocha :: Actinotrocha (n. pl.) A peculiar larval form of Phoronis, a genus of marine worms, having a circle of ciliated tentacles..
Astragal :: Astragal (n.) A convex molding of rounded surface, generally from half to three quarters of a circle..
Circle :: Circle (n.) A plane figure, bounded by a single curve line called its circumference, every part of which is equally distant from a point within it, called the center..
Antarctic :: Antarctic (a.) Opposite to the northern or arctic pole; relating to the southern pole or to the region near it, and applied especially to a circle, distant from the pole 23� 28/. Thus we say the antarctic pole, circle, ocean, region, current, etc..
Ectoprocta :: Ectoprocta (n. pl.) An order of Bryozoa in which the anus lies outside the circle of tentacles.
Coil :: Coil (v. t.) To encircle and hold with, or as with, coils..
Environ :: Environ (v. t.) To surround; to encompass; to encircle; to hem in; to be round about; to involve or envelop.
Heterotricha :: Heterotricha (n. pl.) A division of ciliated Infusoria, having fine cilia all over the body, and a circle of larger ones around the anterior end..
Circle :: Circle (n.) A circular group of persons; a ring.
Circle :: Circle (n.) A territorial division or district.
Tinchel :: Tinchel (n.) A circle of sportsmen, who, by surrounding an extensive space and gradually closing in, bring a number of deer and game within a narrow compass..
Hemicycle :: Hemicycle (n.) A half circle; a semicircle.
Orb :: Orb (v. t.) To encircle; to surround; to inclose.
Consolidation :: Consolidation (n.) To organic cohesion of different circled in a flower; adnation.
Scallop :: Scallop (n.) One of series of segments of circles joined at their extremities, forming a border like the edge or surface of a scallop shell..
Whirlpool :: Whirlpool (n.) An eddy or vortex of water; a place in a body of water where the water moves round in a circle so as to produce a depression or cavity in the center, into which floating objects may be drawn; any body of water having a more or less circular motion caused by its flowing in an irregular channel, by the coming together of opposing currents, or the like..
Incommensurable :: Incommensurable (a.) Not commensurable; having no common measure or standard of comparison; as, quantities are incommensurable when no third quantity can be found that is an aliquot part of both; the side and diagonal of a square are incommensurable with each other; the diameter and circumference of a circle are incommensurable..
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