Definition of advice

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Advice (n.) Counseling to perform a specific illegal act.

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Counteract :: Counteract (v. t.) To act in opposition to; to hinder, defeat, or frustrate, by contrary agency or influence; as, to counteract the effect of medicines; to counteract good advice..
Wholesome :: Wholesome (superl.) Contributing to the health of the mind; favorable to morals, religion, or prosperity; conducive to good; salutary; sound; as, wholesome advice; wholesome doctrines; wholesome truths; wholesome laws..
Rede :: Rede (n.) Advice; counsel; suggestion.
Exhort :: Exhort (v. t.) To incite by words or advice; to animate or urge by arguments, as to a good deed or laudable conduct; to address exhortation to; to urge strongly; hence, to advise, warn, or caution..
Advice :: Advice (n.) An opinion recommended or offered, as worthy to be followed; counsel..
Consult :: Consult (v. i.) To seek the opinion or advice of another; to take counsel; to deliberate together; to confer.
Hear :: Hear (v. t.) To give audience or attention to; to listen to; to heed; to accept the doctrines or advice of; to obey; to examine; to try in a judicial court; as, to hear a recitation; to hear a class; the case will be heard to-morrow..
Counsel :: Counsel (n.) One who gives advice, especially in legal matters; one professionally engaged in the trial or management of a cause in court; also, collectively, the legal advocates united in the management of a case; as, the defendant has able counsel..
Commonition :: Commonition (n.) Advice; warning; instruction.
Amiss :: Amiss (a.) Wrong; faulty; out of order; improper; as, it may not be amiss to ask advice..
Advice :: Advice (n.) Deliberate consideration; knowledge.
Dispensary :: Dispensary (n.) A place where medicines are prepared and dispensed; esp., a place where the poor can obtain medical advice and medicines gratuitously or at a nominal price..
Counsel :: Counsel (n.) Result of consultation; advice; instruction.
Dehortation :: Dehortation (n.) Dissuasion; advice against something.
Advisory :: Advisory (a.) Having power to advise; containing advice; as, an advisory council; their opinion is merely advisory..
Adhortation :: Adhortation (n.) Advice; exhortation.
Advisable :: Advisable (a.) Ready to receive advice.
Consociation :: Consociation (n.) A voluntary and permanent council or union of neighboring Congregational churches, for mutual advice and cooperation in ecclesiastical matters; a meeting of pastors and delegates from churches thus united..
Misadvice :: Misadvice (n.) Bad advice.
Follow :: Follow (v. t.) To accept as authority; to adopt the opinions of; to obey; to yield to; to take as a rule of action; as, to follow good advice..
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