Definition of cheerful

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Cheerful (a.) Having or showing good spirits or joy; cheering; cheery; contented; happy; joyful; lively; animated; willing.

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Solute :: Solute (a.) Relaxed; hence; merry; cheerful.
Infestivity :: Infestivity (n.) Want of festivity, cheerfulness, or mirth; dullness; cheerlessness..
Spiritless :: Spiritless (a.) Destitute of spirit; wanting animation; wanting cheerfulness; dejected; depressed.
Gladsome :: Gladsome (a.) Pleased; joyful; cheerful.
Buoyant :: Buoyant (v. t. & i.) Light-hearted; vivacious; cheerful; as, a buoyant disposition; buoyant spirits..
Enliven :: Enliven (v. t.) To give spirit or vivacity to; to make sprightly, gay, or cheerful; to animate; as, mirth and good humor enliven a company; enlivening strains of music..
Welcome :: Welcome (v. t.) To salute with kindness, as a newcomer; to receive and entertain hospitably and cheerfully; as, to welcome a visitor; to welcome a new idea..
Chirp :: Chirp (v. i.) To make a shop, sharp, cheerful, as of small birds or crickets..
Careless :: Careless (a.) Free from care or anxiety. hence, cheerful; light-hearted..
Laugh :: Laugh (v. i.) Fig.: To be or appear gay, cheerful, pleasant, mirthful, lively, or brilliant; to sparkle; to sport..
Cheer :: Cheer (n.) Gayety; mirth; cheerfulness; animation.
Crisp :: Crisp (a.) Brisk; crackling; cheerful; lively.
Cheer :: Cheer (v. t.) To cause to rejoice; to gladden; to make cheerful; -- often with up.
Heartsome :: Heartsome (a.) Merry; cheerful; lively.
Cloudy :: Cloudy (n.) Indicating gloom, anxiety, sullenness, or ill-nature; not open or cheerful..
Exhilaration :: Exhilaration (n.) The state of being enlivened or cheerful.
Gladness :: Gladness (n.) State or quality of being glad; pleasure; joyful satisfaction; cheerfulness.
Rondo :: Rondo (n.) A composition, vocal or instrumental, commonly of a lively, cheerful character, in which the first strain recurs after each of the other strains..
Blithe :: Blithe (a.) Gay; merry; sprightly; joyous; glad; cheerful; as, a blithe spirit..
Holiday :: Holiday (a.) Of or pertaining to a festival; cheerful; joyous; gay.
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