Definition of advance

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Advance (v. t.) To make earlier, as an event or date; to hasten..

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Proceed :: Proceed (v. i.) To move, pass, or go forward or onward; to advance; to continue or renew motion begun; as, to proceed on a journey..
Improvement :: Improvement (n.) The act of improving; advancement or growth; promotion in desirable qualities; progress toward what is better; melioration; as, the improvement of the mind, of land, roads, etc..
Advance :: Advance (v. i.) To move or go forward; to proceed; as, he advanced to greet me..
Traverse :: Traverse (a.) To deny formally, as what the opposite party has alleged. When the plaintiff or defendant advances new matter, he avers it to be true, and traverses what the other party has affirmed. To traverse an indictment or an office is to deny it..
Forereach :: Forereach (v. t.) To advance or gain upon; -- said of a vessel that gains upon another when sailing closehauled.
Vaunce :: Vaunce (v. i.) To advance.
Curvet :: Curvet (n.) A particular leap of a horse, when he raises both his fore legs at once, equally advanced, and, as his fore legs are falling, raises his hind legs, so that all his legs are in the air at once..
March :: March (v. t.) TO cause to move with regular steps in the manner of a soldier; to cause to move in military array, or in a body, as troops; to cause to advance in a steady, regular, or stately manner; to cause to go by peremptory command, or by force..
Advance :: Advance (v.) The act of advancing or moving forward or upward; progress.
Hotchpotch :: Hotchpotch (n.) A blending of property for equality of division, as when lands given in frank-marriage to one daughter were, after the death of the ancestor, blended with the lands descending to her and to her sisters from the same ancestor, and then divided in equal portions among all the daughters. In modern usage, a mixing together, or throwing into a common mass or stock, of the estate left by a person deceased and the amounts advanced to any particular child or children, for the purpose of
Avant-guard :: Avant-guard (n.) The van or advanced body of an army. See Vanguard.
Forwardness :: Forwardness (n.) A state of advance beyond the usual degree; prematureness; precocity; as, the forwardnessof spring or of corn; the forwardness of a pupil..
Provexity :: Provexity (n.) Great advance in age.
Encouragement :: Encouragement (n.) That which serves to incite, support, promote, or advance, as favor, countenance, reward, etc.; incentive; increase of confidence; as, the fine arts find little encouragement among a rude people..
Stem :: Stem (n.) Fig.: An advanced or leading position; the lookout.
Matronly :: Matronly (a.) Advanced in years; elderly.
Vamp :: Vamp (v. i.) To advance; to travel.
Gangrene :: Gangrene (n.) A term formerly restricted to mortification of the soft tissues which has not advanced so far as to produce complete loss of vitality; but now applied to mortification of the soft parts in any stage.
Future :: Future (a.) The possibilities of the future; -- used especially of prospective success or advancement; as, he had great future before him..
Advancement :: Advancement (v. t.) Property given, usually by a parent to a child, in advance of a future distribution..
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