Definition of char

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Char (n.) To burn slightly or partially; as, to char wood..

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Material :: Material (a.) Of solid or weighty character; not insubstantial; of cinsequence; not be dispensed with; important.
Niteosaccharin :: Niteosaccharin (n.) An explosive nitro derivative of certain sugars, analogous to nitroglycerin, gun cotton, etc..
Sleepy :: Sleepy (n.) Characterized by an absence of watchfulness; as, sleepy security..
Charter :: Charter (n.) An act of a legislative body creating a municipal or other corporation and defining its powers and privileges. Also, an instrument in writing from the constituted authorities of an order or society (as the Freemasons), creating a lodge and defining its powers..
Indium :: Indium (n.) A rare metallic element, discovered in certain ores of zinc, by means of its characteristic spectrum of two indigo blue lines; hence, its name. In appearance it resembles zinc, being white or lead gray, soft, malleable and easily fusible, but in its chemical relation it resembles aluminium or gallium. Symbol In. Atomic weight, 113.4..
Play :: Play (v. t.) To act or perform (a play); to represent in music action; as, to play a comedy; also, to act in the character of; to represent by acting; to simulate; to behave like; as, to play King Lear; to play the woman..
Consistency :: Consistency (n.) Firmness of constitution or character; substantiality; durability; persistency.
Pyroelectric :: Pyroelectric (n.) A substance which becomes electrically polar when heated, exhibiting opposite charges of statical electricity at two separate parts, especially the two extremities..
Sibilate :: Sibilate (v. t. & i.) To pronounce with a hissing sound, like that of the letter s; to mark with a character indicating such pronunciation..
Monotonous :: Monotonous (a.) Uttered in one unvarying tone; continued with dull uniformity; characterized by monotony; without change or variety; wearisome.
Born :: Born (v. t.) Having from birth a certain character; by or from birth; by nature; innate; as, a born liar..
Spreader :: Spread-eagle (a.) Characterized by a pretentious, boastful, exaggerated style; defiantly or extravagantly bombastic; as, a spread-eagle orator; a spread-eagle speech..
Anthropomorphism :: Anthropomorphism (n.) The ascription of human characteristics to things not human.
Quality :: Quality (n.) That which makes, or helps to make, anything such as it is; anything belonging to a subject, or predicable of it; distinguishing property, characteristic, or attribute; peculiar power, capacity, or virtue; distinctive trait; as, the tones of a flute differ from those of a violin in quality; the great quality of a statesman..
Recharter :: Recharter (n.) A second charter; a renewal of a charter.
Equivocal :: Equivocal (a.) Capable of being ascribed to different motives, or of signifying opposite feelings, purposes, or characters; deserving to be suspected; as, his actions are equivocal..
Benevolence :: Benevolence (n.) The disposition to do good; good will; charitableness; love of mankind, accompanied with a desire to promote their happiness..
Materialize :: Materialize (v. t.) To invest with material characteristics; to make perceptible to the senses; hence, to present to the mind through the medium of material objects..
Viraginity :: Viraginity (n.) The qualities or characteristics of a virago.
Sign :: Sign (n.) A word or a character regarded as the outward manifestation of thought; as, words are the sign of ideas..
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