Definition of cete

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Cete (n.) One of the Cetacea, or collectively, the Cetacea..

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Ceterach :: Ceterach (n.) A species of fern with fronds (Asplenium Ceterach).
Facete :: Facete (a.) Facetious; witty; humorous.
Faceted :: Faceted (a.) Having facets.
Faceted :: Faceted (imp. & p. p.) of Face.
Culasse :: Culasse (n.) The lower faceted portion of a brilliant-cut diamond.
Mycetes :: Mycetes (n.) A genus of South American monkeys, including the howlers. See Howler, 2, and Illust..
Gasteromycetes :: Gasteromycetes (n. pl.) An order of fungi, in which the spores are borne inside a sac called the peridium, as in the puffballs..
Mysticete :: Mysticete (n.) Any right whale, or whalebone whale. See Cetacea..
Cetene :: Cetene (n.) An oily hydrocarbon, C16H32, of the ethylene series, obtained from spermaceti..
Miltwaste :: Miltwaste () A small European fern (Asplenium Ceterach) formerly used in medicine.
Basidium :: Basidium (n.) A special oblong or pyriform cell, with slender branches, which bears the spores in that division of fungi called Basidiomycetes, of which the common mushroom is an example..
Denticete :: Denticete (n. pl.) The division of Cetacea in which the teeth are developed, including the sperm whale, dolphins, etc..
Carpophyte :: Carpophyte (n.) A flowerless plant which forms a true fruit as the result of fertilization, as the red seaweeds, the Ascomycetes, etc..
Odontocete :: Odontocete ( A subdivision of Cetacea, including the sperm whale, dolphins, etc.; the toothed whales..
Et Cetera :: Et cetera () Alt. of Et caeter.
Cetewale :: Cetewale (n.) Same as Zedoary.
Hyphomycetes :: Hyphomycetes (n. pl.) One of the great division of fungi, containing those species which have naked spores borne on free or only fasciculate threads..
Bizet :: Bizet (n.) The upper faceted portion of a brilliant-cut diamond, which projects from the setting and occupies the zone between the girdle and the table. See Brilliant, n..
Saccharomycetes :: Saccharomycetes (n. pl.) A family of fungi consisting of the one genus Saccharomyces.
Mono :: Mono (n.) The black howler of Central America (Mycetes villosus).
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