Definition of certain

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Certain (a.) Assured in mind; having no doubts; free from suspicions concerning.

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Commit :: Commit (v. t.) To pledge or bind; to compromise, expose, or endanger by some decisive act or preliminary step; -- often used reflexively; as, to commit one's self to a certain course..
Eudiometry :: Eudiometry (n.) The art or process of determining the constituents of a gaseous mixture by means of the eudiometer, or for ascertaining the purity of the air or the amount of oxygen in it..
Syllabe :: Syllabary (n.) A table of syllables; more especially, a table of the indivisible syllabic symbols used in certain languages, as the Japanese and Cherokee, instead of letters..
Jansenist :: "Jansenist (n.) A follower of Cornelius Jansen, a Roman Catholic bishop of Ypres, in Flanders, in the 17th century, who taught certain doctrines denying free will and the possibility of resisting divine grace..
Town :: Town (adv. & prep.) A township; the whole territory within certain limits, less than those of a country..
Steward :: Steward (n.) A fiscal agent of certain bodies; as, a steward in a Methodist church..
Skepticism :: Skepticism (n.) An undecided, inquiring state of mind; doubt; uncertainty..
Spoilful :: Spoilfive (n.) A certain game at cards in which, if no player wins three of the five tricks possible on any deal, the game is said to be spoiled..
Definiteness :: Definiteness (n.) The state of being definite; determinateness; precision; certainty.
Greenstone :: Greenstone (n.) A name formerly applied rather loosely to certain dark-colored igneous rocks, including diorite, diabase, etc..
Assurance :: Assurance (n.) Insurance; a contract for the payment of a sum on occasion of a certain event, as loss or death..
Noctilucin :: Noctilucin (n.) A fatlike substance in certain marine animals, to which they owe their phosphorescent properties..
Kinnikinic :: Kinnikinic (n.) Prepared leaves or bark of certain plants; -- used by the Indians of the Northwest for smoking, either mixed with tobacco or as a substitute for it. Also, a plant so used, as the osier cornel (Cornus stolonijra), and the bearberry (Arctostaphylus Uva-ursi)..
Hydrophyllium :: Hydrophyllium (n.) One of the flat, leaflike, protective zooids, covering other zooids of certain Siphonophora..
Outdoor :: Outdoor (a.) Being, or done, in the open air; being or done outside of certain buildings, as poorhouses, hospitals, etc.; as, outdoor exercise; outdoor relief; outdoor patients..
Humor :: Humor (n.) Changing and uncertain states of mind; caprices; freaks; vagaries; whims.
Wager :: Wager (v. t.) A contract by which two parties or more agree that a certain sum of money, or other thing, shall be paid or delivered to one of them, on the happening or not happening of an uncertain event..
Orpiment :: Orpiment (n.) Arsenic sesquisulphide, produced artificially as an amorphous lemonyellow powder, and occurring naturally as a yellow crystalline mineral; -- formerly called auripigment. It is used in king's yellow, in white Indian fire, and in certain technical processes, as indigo printing..
Reduplicate :: Reduplicate (a.) Valvate with the margins curved outwardly; -- said of the /stivation of certain flowers.
Stocked :: Stock (n.) A liquid or jelly containing the juices and soluble parts of meat, and certain vegetables, etc., extracted by cooking; -- used in making soup, gravy, etc..
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