Definition of cast

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of cast is as below...

Cast (v. t.) To fix, distribute, or allot, as the parts of a play among actors; also to assign (an actor) for a part..

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Piece :: Piece (n.) A castle; a fortified building.
Cast :: Cast (n.) A chance, opportunity, privilege, or advantage; specifically, an opportunity of riding; a lift..
Cagot :: Cagot (n.) One of a race inhabiting the valleys of the Pyrenees, who until 1793 were political and social outcasts (Christian Pariahs). They are supposed to be a remnant of the Visigoths..
Incastellated :: Incastellated (a.) Confined or inclosed in a castle.
Send :: Send (v. t.) To emit; to impel; to cast; to throw; to hurl; as, to send a ball, an arrow, or the like..
Warp :: Warp (v.) A premature casting of young; -- said of cattle, sheep, etc..
Castorin :: Castorin (n.) A white crystalline substance obtained from castoreum.
Castillan :: Castillan (a.) Of or pertaining to Castile, in Spain..
Ejaculatory :: Ejaculatory (a.) Casting or throwing out; fitted to eject; as, ejaculatory vessels..
Cast :: Cast (v. t.) To fix, distribute, or allot, as the parts of a play among actors; also to assign (an actor) for a part..
Slough :: Slough (v. t.) To cast off; to discard as refuse.
Wink :: Wink (n.) A hint given by shutting the eye with a significant cast.
Abject :: Abject (n.) A person in the lowest and most despicable condition; a castaway.
Gate :: Gate (n.) The waste piece of metal cast in the opening; a sprue or sullage piece.
Castling :: Castling (n.) That which is cast or brought forth prematurely; an abortion.
Unbend :: Unbend (v. t.) To cast loose or untie, as a rope..
Beggar :: Beggar (n.) One who is dependent upon others for support; -- a contemptuous or sarcastic use.
Shedding :: Shedding (n.) That which is shed, or cast off..
Johannisberger :: "Johannisberger (n.) A fine white wine produced on the estate of Schloss (or Castle) Johannisberg, on the Rhine..
Broadcast :: Broadcast (n.) A casting or throwing seed in all directions, as from the hand in sowing..
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