Definition of adjunct

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Adjunct (n.) A word or words added to quality or amplify the force of other words; as, the History of the American Revolution, where the words in italics are the adjunct or adjuncts of History..

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Adjunctly :: Adjunctly (adv.) By way of addition or adjunct; in connection with.
Adjective :: Adjective (n.) Added to a substantive as an attribute; of the nature of an adjunct; as, an adjective word or sentence..
Colonnade :: Colonnade (n.) A series or range of columns placed at regular intervals with all the adjuncts, as entablature, stylobate, roof, etc..
Adjunct :: Adjunct (n.) A word or words added to quality or amplify the force of other words; as, the History of the American Revolution, where the words in italics are the adjunct or adjuncts of History..
Appendant :: Appendant (v. t.) Hanging; annexed; adjunct; concomitant; as, a seal appendant to a paper..
Premise :: Premise (n.) A piece of real estate; a building and its adjuncts; as, to lease premises; to trespass on another's premises..
Appendix :: Appendix (n.) Something appended or added; an appendage, adjunct, or concomitant..
Adjunct :: Adjunct (a.) Conjoined; attending; consequent.
Printing :: Printing (n.) The act, art, or practice of impressing letters, characters, or figures on paper, cloth, or other material; the business of a printer, including typesetting and presswork, with their adjuncts; typography; also, the act of producing photographic prints..
Adjunctive :: Adjunctive (a.) Joining; having the quality of joining; forming an adjunct.
Adjunct :: Adjunct (n.) A key or scale closely related to another as principal; a relative or attendant key. [R.] See Attendant keys, under Attendant, a..
Adjunctively :: Adjunctively (adv.) In an adjunctive manner.
Adjunctive :: Adjunctive (n.) One who, or that which, is joined..
Adjunct :: Adjunct (n.) A quality or property of the body or the mind, whether natural or acquired; as, color, in the body, judgment in the mind..
Appanage :: Appanage (n.) That which belongs to one by custom or right; a natural adjunct or accompaniment.
All :: All (adv.) Even; just. (Often a mere intensive adjunct..
Adjunct :: Adjunct (n.) Something joined or added to another thing, but not essentially a part of it..
Participle :: Participle (n.) A part of speech partaking of the nature both verb and adjective; a form of a verb, or verbal adjective, modifying a noun, but taking the adjuncts of the verb from which it is derived. In the sentences: a letter is written; being asleep he did not hear; exhausted by toil he will sleep soundly, -- written, being, and exhaustedare participles..
Adjoint :: Adjoint (n.) An adjunct; a helper.
Adjunction :: Adjunction (n.) The act of joining; the thing joined or added.
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