Definition of but

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But (adv. & conj.) Otherwise than that; that not; -- commonly, after a negative, with that..

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Equivalent :: Equivalent (a.) Equal in measure but not admitting of superposition; -- applied to magnitudes; as, a square may be equivalent to a triangle..
Oleic :: Oleic (a.) Pertaining to, derived from, or contained in, oil; as, oleic acid, an acid of the acrylic acid series found combined with glyceryl in the form of olein in certain animal and vegetable fats and oils, such as sperm oil, olive oil, etc. At low temperatures the acid is crystalline, but melts to an oily liquid above 14/ C..
Point :: Point (n.) An indefinitely small space; a mere spot indicated or supposed. Specifically: (Geom.) That which has neither parts nor magnitude; that which has position, but has neither length, breadth, nor thickness, -- sometimes conceived of as the limit of a line; that by the motion of which a line is conceived to be produced..
Collateral :: Collateral (a.) Descending from the same stock or ancestor, but not in the same line or branch or one from the other; -- opposed to lineal..
Antilegomena :: Antilegomena (n. pl.) Certain books of the New Testament which were for a time not universally received, but which are now considered canonical. These are the Epistle to the Hebrews, the Epistles of James and Jude, the second Epistle of Peter, the second and third Epistles of John, and the Revelation. The undisputed books are called the Homologoumena..
Arietate :: Arietate (v. i.) To butt, as a ram..
Post :: Post (n.) An established conveyance for letters from one place or station to another; especially, the governmental system in any country for carrying and distributing letters and parcels; the post office; the mail; hence, the carriage by which the mail is transported..
Determinism :: Determinism (n.) The doctrine that the will is not free, but is inevitably and invincibly determined by motives..
Glutaeus :: Glutaeus (n.) The great muscle of the buttock in man and most mammals, and the corresponding muscle in many lower animals..
Muffle :: Muffle (v. t.) An earthenware compartment or oven, often shaped like a half cylinder, used in furnaces to protect objects heated from the direct action of the fire, as in scorification of ores, cupellation of ore buttons, etc..
Pygopod :: Pygopod (n.) Any species of serpentiform lizards of the family Pygopodidae, which have rudimentary hind legs near the anal cleft, but lack fore legs..
Distribution :: Distribution (n.) The steps or operations by which steam is supplied to and withdrawn from the cylinder at each stroke of the piston; viz., admission, suppression or cutting off, release or exhaust, and compression of exhaust steam prior to the next admission..
Fugato :: Fugato (a.) in the gugue style, but not strictly like a fugue..
Probable :: Probable (a.) Rendering probable; supporting, or giving ground for, belief, but not demonstrating; as, probable evidence; probable presumption..
Blanch :: Blanch (n.) Ore, not in masses, but mixed with other minerals..
Bipupillate :: Bipupillate (a.) Having an eyelike spot on the wing, with two dots within it of a different color, as in some butterflies..
Sort :: Sort (v. t.) To conjoin; to put together in distribution; to class.
Butyrone :: Butyrone (n.) A liquid ketone obtained by heating calcium butyrate.
Honeybee :: Honeybee (n.) Any bee of the genus Apis, which lives in communities and collects honey, esp. the common domesticated hive bee (Apis mellifica), the Italian bee (A. ligustica), and the Arabiab bee (A. fasciata). The two latter are by many entomologists considered only varieties of the common hive bee. Each swarm of bees consists of a large number of workers (barren females), with, ordinarily, one queen or fertile female, but in the swarming season several young queens, and a number of males or dr
Chrysalis :: Chrysalis (n.) The pupa state of certain insects, esp. of butterflies, from which the perfect insect emerges. See Pupa, and Aurelia (a)..
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