Definition of burr

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Burr (n.) A prickly seed vessel. See Bur, 1..

Lern More About Burr

Burr :: Burr (n.) A drill with a serrated head larger than the shank; -- used by dentists.
Wormhole :: Wormhole (n.) A burrow made by a worm.
Wharling :: Wharling (n.) A guttural pronunciation of the letter r; a burr. See Burr, n., 6..
Fossorial :: Fossorial (a.) Fitted for digging, adapted for burrowing or digging; as, a fossorial foot; a fossorial animal..
Burrel Fly :: Burrel fly () The botfly or gadfly of cattle (Hypoderma bovis). See Gadfly.
Gribble :: Gribble (n.) A small marine isopod crustacean (Limnoria lignorum or L. terebrans), which burrows into and rapidly destroys submerged timber, such as the piles of wharves, both in Europe and America..
Tuko-tuko :: Tuko-tuko (n.) A burrowing South American rodent (Ctenomys Braziliensis). It has small eyes and ears and a short tail. It resembles the pocket gopher in size, form, and habits, but is more nearly allied to the porcupines..
Burr :: Burr (n.) A guttural pronounciation of the letter r, produced by trilling the extremity of the soft palate against the back part of the tongue; rotacism; -- often called the Newcastle, Northumberland, or Tweedside, burr..
Slepez :: Slepez (n.) A burrowing rodent (Spalax typhlus), native of Russia and Asia Minor. It has the general appearance of a mole, and is destitute of eyes. Called also mole rat..
Camp :: Camp (n.) A mound of earth in which potatoes and other vegetables are stored for protection against frost; -- called also burrow and pie.
Mole :: Mole (v. t.) To form holes in, as a mole; to burrow; to excavate; as, to mole the earth..
Burrow :: Burrow (v. i.) To lodge, or take refuge, in any deep or concealed place; to hide..
Burring :: Burring (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Bur.
Burr :: Burr (n.) A thin flat piece of metal, formed from a sheet by punching; a small washer put on the end of a rivet before it is swaged down..
Burr :: Burr (n.) The knot at the bottom of an antler. See Bur, n., 8..
Zemni :: Zemni (n.) The blind mole rat (Spalax typhlus), native of Eastern Europe and Asia. Its eyes and ears are rudimentary, and its fur is soft and brownish, more or less tinged with gray. It constructs extensive burrows..
Smoke :: Smoke (v. t.) To subject to the operation of smoke, for the purpose of annoying or driving out; -- often with out; as, to smoke a woodchuck out of his burrow..
Burrow :: Burrow (n.) A mound. See 3d Barrow, and Camp, n., 5..
Saxicavous :: Saxicavous (a.) Boring, or hollowing out, rocks; -- said of certain mollusks which live in holes which they burrow in rocks. See Illust. of Lithodomus..
Sheldrake :: Sheldrake (n.) Any one of several species of large Old World ducks of the genus Tadorna and allied genera, especially the European and Asiatic species. (T. cornuta, / tadorna), which somewhat resembles a goose in form and habit, but breeds in burrows..
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