Definition of bud

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Bud (v. t.) To graft, as a plant with another or into another, by inserting a bud from the one into an opening in the bark of the other, in order to raise, upon the budded stock, fruit different from that which it would naturally bear..

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Bo Tree :: Bo tree () The peepul tree; esp., the very ancient tree standing at Anurajahpoora in Ceylon, grown from a slip of the tree under which Gautama is said to have received the heavenly light and so to have become Buddha..
Gymnoblastea :: Gymnoblastea (n. pl.) The Athecata; -- so called because the medusoid buds are not inclosed in a capsule.
Terminal :: Terminal (n.) Growing at the end of a branch or stem; terminating; as, a terminal bud, flower, or spike..
Rosebud :: Rosebud (n.) The flower of a rose before it opens, or when but partially open..
Cytogenesis :: Cytogenesis (n.) Development of cells in animal and vegetable organisms. See Gemmation, Budding, Karyokinesis; also Cell development, under Cell..
Caper :: Caper (n.) The pungent grayish green flower bud of the European and Oriental caper (Capparis spinosa), much used for pickles..
Entogastric :: Entogastric (a.) Pertaining to the interior of the stomach; -- applied to a mode of budding from the interior of the gastric cavity, in certain hydroids..
Clove :: Clove (n.) A very pungent aromatic spice, the unexpanded flower bud of the clove tree (Eugenia, / Caryophullus, aromatica), a native of the Molucca Isles..
Sprit :: Sprit (v. t.) To sprout; to bud; to germinate, as barley steeped for malt..
Budding :: Budding (n.) The act or process of producing buds.
Gem :: Gem (v. t.) To put forth in the form of buds.
Chickweed :: Chickweed (n.) The name of several caryophyllaceous weeds, especially Stellaria media, the seeds and flower buds of which are a favorite food of small birds..
Copiousness :: Copiousness (n.) The state or quality of being copious; abudance; plenty; also, diffuseness in style..
Vernation :: Vernation (n.) The arrangement of the leaves within the leaf bud, as regards their folding, coiling, rolling, etc.; prefoliation..
Ineye :: Ineye (v. t.) To ingraft, as a tree or plant, by the insertion of a bud or eye; to inoculate..
Buddle :: Buddle (n.) An apparatus, especially an inclined trough or vat, in which stamped ore is concentrated by subjecting it to the action of running water so as to wash out the lighter and less valuable portions..
Button :: Button (n.) A bud; a germ of a plant.
Gemmiferous :: Gemmiferous (a.) multiplying by buds.
Oelet :: Oelet (n.) An eye, bud, or shoot, as of a plant; an oilet..
Trommel :: Trommel (n.) A revolving buddle or sieve for separating, or sizing, ores..
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