Definition of breve

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Breve (n.) The great ant thrush of Sumatra (Pitta gigas), which has a very short tail..

Lern More About Breve

Brevetcies :: Brevetcies (pl. ) of Brevetc.
Semibrief :: Semibrief (n.) A semibreve.
Large :: Large (n.) A musical note, formerly in use, equal to two longs, four breves, or eight semibreves..
Alla Breve :: Alla breve () With one breve, or four minims, to measure, and sung faster like four crotchets; in quick common time; -- indicated in the time signature by /..
Brevet :: Brevet (v. t.) To confer rank upon by brevet.
Breve :: Breve (n.) Any writ or precept under seal, issued out of any court..
A Cappella :: A cappella () A time indication, equivalent to alla breve..
Brevetcy :: Brevetcy (n.) The rank or condition of a brevet officer.
Brevetting :: Brevetting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Breve.
Brevet :: Brevet (a.) Taking or conferring rank by brevet; as, a brevet colonel; a brevet commission..
Breve :: Breve (n.) A note or character of time, equivalent to two semibreves or four minims. When dotted, it is equal to three semibreves. It was formerly of a square figure (as thus: / ), but is now made oval, with a line perpendicular to the staff on each of its sides; -- formerly much used for choir service..
Long :: Long (n.) A note formerly used in music, one half the length of a large, twice that of a breve..
Semibreve :: Semibreve (n.) A note of half the time or duration of the breve; -- now usually called a whole note. It is the longest note in general use.
Maxim :: Maxim (n.) The longest note formerly used, equal to two longs, or four breves; a large..
Breve :: Breve (n.) The great ant thrush of Sumatra (Pitta gigas), which has a very short tail..
C :: C () C after the clef is the mark of common time, in which each measure is a semibreve (four fourths or crotchets); for alla breve time it is written /..
Minim :: Minim (n.) A time note, formerly the shortest in use; a half note, equal to half a semibreve, or two quarter notes or crotchets..
Brevet :: Brevet (n.) A warrant from the government, granting a privilege, title, or dignity. [French usage]..
Prolation :: Prolation (n.) A mediaeval method of determining of the proportionate duration of semibreves and minims.
Brevetted :: Brevetted (imp. & p. p.) of Breve.
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