Definition of break

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Break (n.) See Commutator.

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Smash :: Smash (v. t.) To break in pieces by violence; to dash to pieces; to crush.
Upburst :: Upburst (n.) The act of bursting upwards; a breaking through to the surface; an upbreak or uprush; as, an upburst of molten matter..
Break :: Break (v. i.) To open spontaneously, or by pressure from within, as a bubble, a tumor, a seed vessel, a bag..
Disintegrate :: Disintegrate (v. t.) To separate into integrant parts; to reduce to fragments or to powder; to break up, or cause to fall to pieces, as a rock, by blows of a hammer, frost, rain, and other mechanical or atmospheric influences..
Imbricated :: Imbricated (a.) Lying over each other in regular order, so as to break joints, like tiles or shingles on a roof, the scales on the leaf buds of plants and the cups of some acorns, or the scales of fishes; overlapping each other at the margins, as leaves in aestivation..
Break :: Break (v. t.) To destroy the strength, firmness, or consistency of; as, to break flax..
Pause :: Pause (n.) A break or paragraph in writing.
Abruption :: Abruption (n.) A sudden breaking off; a violent separation of bodies.
Interruption :: Interruption (n.) Obstruction caused by breaking in upon course, current, progress, or motion; stop; hindrance; as, the author has met with many interruptions in the execution of his work; the speaker or the argument proceeds without interruption..
Washboard :: Washboard (n.) A broad, thin plank, fixed along the gunwale of boat to keep the sea from breaking inboard; also, a plank on the sill of a lower deck port, for the same purpose; -- called also wasteboard..
Outbreaking :: Outbreaking (n.) The act of breaking out.
Tewtaw :: Tewtaw (v. t.) To beat; to break, as flax or hemp..
Icequake :: Icequake (n.) The crash or concussion attending the breaking up of masses of ice, -- often due to contraction from extreme cold..
Dash :: Dash (v. t.) To break, as by throwing or by collision; to shatter; to crust; to frustrate; to ruin..
Bolt :: Bolt (v. i.) A refusal to support a nomination made by the party with which one has been connected; a breaking away from one's party.
Bolter :: Bolter (n.) One who bolts; esp.: (a) A horse which starts suddenly aside. (b) A man who breaks away from his party.
Shortcake :: Shortcake (n.) An unsweetened breakfast cake shortened with butter or lard, rolled thin, and baked..
Idoloclast :: Idoloclast (n.) A breaker of idols; an iconoclast.
Bolt :: Bolt (v. i.) To refuse to support a nomination made by a party or a caucus with which one has been connected; to break away from a party.
Plough :: Plough (n.) A well-known implement, drawn by horses, mules, oxen, or other power, for turning up the soil to prepare it for bearing crops; also used to furrow or break up the soil for other purposes; as, the subsoil plow; the draining plow..
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