Definition of bottle

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Bottle (n.) The contents of a bottle; as much as a bottle contains; as, to drink a bottle of wine..

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Rack :: Rack (a.) A frame on which articles are deposited for keeping or arranged for display; as, a clothes rack; a bottle rack, etc..
Corkscrew :: Corkscrew (n.) An instrument with a screw or a steel spiral for drawing corks from bottles.
Cork :: Cork (v. t.) To stop with a cork, as a bottle..
Flacket :: Flacket (n.) A barrel-shaped bottle; a flagon.
Ampullaceous :: Ampullaceous (a.) Like a bottle or inflated bladder; bottle-shaped; swelling.
"""lachrymatory " :: Lachrymatory (n.) A tear-bottle; a narrow-necked vessel found in sepulchers of the ancient Romans; -- so called from a former notion that the tears of the deceased person's friends were collected in it. Called also lachrymal or lacrymal..
Cranny :: Cranny (n.) A tool for forming the necks of bottles, etc..
Cruise :: Cruise (n.) See Cruse, a small bottle..
Bottle-nosed :: Bottle-nosed (a.) Having the nose bottle-shaped, or large at the end..
Leyden Phial :: Leyden phial () A glass jar or bottle used to accumulate electricity. It is coated with tin foil, within and without, nearly to its top, and is surmounted by a brass knob which communicates with the inner coating, for the purpose of charging it with electricity. It is so named from having been invented in Leyden, Holland..
Corked :: Corked (a.) having acquired an unpleasant taste from the cork; as, a bottle of wine is corked..
Inside :: Inside (adv.) Within the sides of; in the interior; contained within; as, inside a house, book, bottle, etc..
Bottled :: Bottled (imp. & p. p.) of Bottl.
Flagon :: Flagon (n.) A vessel with a narrow mouth, used for holding and conveying liquors. It is generally larger than a bottle, and of leather or stoneware rather than of glass..
Vessel :: Vessel (n.) A hollow or concave utensil for holding anything; a hollow receptacle of any kind, as a hogshead, a barrel, a firkin, a bottle, a kettle, a cup, a bowl, etc..
Betty :: Betty (n.) A pear-shaped bottle covered round with straw, in which olive oil is sometimes brought from Italy; -- called by chemists a Florence flask..
Borachte :: Borachte (n.) A large leather bottle for liquors, etc., made of the skin of a goat or other animal. Hence: A drunkard..
Bottle :: Bottle (v. t.) To put into bottles; to inclose in, or as in, a bottle or bottles; to keep or restrain as in a bottle; as, to bottle wine or porter; to bottle up one's wrath..
Abacus :: Abacus (n.) A board, tray, or table, divided into perforated compartments, for holding cups, bottles, or the like; a kind of cupboard, buffet, or sideboard..
Gurgle :: Gurgle (v. i.) To run or flow in a broken, irregular, noisy current, as water from a bottle, or a small stream among pebbles or stones..
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