Definition of bore

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Bore (v. t.) To perforate or penetrate, as a solid body, by turning an auger, gimlet, drill, or other instrument; to make a round hole in or through; to pierce; as, to bore a plank..

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Arborescent :: Arborescent (a.) Resembling a tree; becoming woody in stalk; dendritic; having crystallizations disposed like the branches and twigs of a tree.
Bare :: Bare () Bore; the old preterit of Bear, v..
Jaguar :: "Jaguar (n.) A large and powerful feline animal (Felis onca), ranging from Texas and Mexico to Patagonia. It is usually brownish yellow, with large, dark, somewhat angular rings, each generally inclosing one or two dark spots. It is chiefly arboreal in its habits. Called also the American tiger..
Drill :: Drill (v. t.) To pierce or bore with a drill, or a with a drill; to perforate; as, to drill a hole into a rock; to drill a piece of metal..
Lorikeet :: Lorikeet (n.) Any one numerous species of small brush-tongued parrots or lories, found mostly in Australia, New Guinea and the adjacent islands, with some forms in the East Indies. They are arboreal in their habits and feed largely upon the honey of flowers. They belong to Trichoglossus, Loriculus, and several allied genera..
Arbor Dianae :: Arbor Dianae () A precipitation of silver, in a beautiful arborescent form..
Tasker :: Tasker (n.) A laborer who receives his wages in kind.
Longshoreman :: Longshoreman (n.) One of a class of laborers employed about the wharves of a seaport, especially in loading and unloading vessels..
Smoothbore :: Smoothbore (n.) A smoothbore firearm.
Shotgun :: Shotgun (n.) A light, smooth-bored gun, often double-barreled, especially designed for firing small shot at short range, and killing small game..
Lictor :: Lictor (n.) An officer who bore an ax and fasces or rods, as ensigns of his office. His duty was to attend the chief magistrates when they appeared in public, to clear the way, and cause due respect to be paid to them, also to apprehend and punish criminals..
Caliver :: Caliver (n.) An early form of hand gun, variety of the arquebus; originally a gun having a regular size of bore..
Work :: Work (n.) To carry on business; to be engaged or employed customarily; to perform the part of a laborer; to labor; to toil.
Longicornia :: Longicornia (n. pl.) A division of beetles, including a large number of species, in which the antennae are very long. Most of them, while in the larval state, bore into the wood or beneath the bark of trees, and some species are very destructive to fruit and shade trees. See Apple borer, under Apple, and Locust beetle, under Locust..
Counterbore :: Counterbore (n.) A flat-bottomed cylindrical enlargement of the mouth of a hole, usually of slight depth, as for receiving a cylindrical screw head..
Calypso :: Calypso (n.) A small and beautiful species of orchid, having a flower variegated with purple, pink, and yellow. It grows in cold and wet localities in the northern part of the United States. The Calypso borealis is the only orchid which reaches 68� N..
Calipers :: Calipers (n. pl.) An instrument, usually resembling a pair of dividers or compasses with curved legs, for measuring the diameter or thickness of bodies, as of work shaped in a lathe or planer, timber, masts, shot, etc.; or the bore of firearms, tubes, etc.; -- called also caliper compasses, or caliber compasses..
Wimble :: Wimble (v. t.) To bore or pierce, as with a wimble..
Overlabored :: Overlabored (imp. & p. p.) of Overlabo.
Bore :: Bore (v. t.) To befool; to trick.
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