Definition of act

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Act (n.) A state of reality or real existence as opposed to a possibility or possible existence.

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Awakening :: Awakening (a.) Rousing from sleep, in a natural or a figurative sense; rousing into activity; exciting; as, the awakening city; an awakening discourse; the awakening dawn..
Dianoetic :: Dianoetic (a.) Pertaining to the discursive faculty, its acts or products..
Volt :: Volt (n.) The unit of electro-motive force; -- defined by the International Electrical Congress in 1893 and by United States Statute as, that electro-motive force which steadily applied to a conductor whose resistance is one ohm will produce a current of one ampere. It is practically equivalent to / the electro-motive force of a standard Clark's cell at a temperature of 15? C..
Preparation :: Preparation (n.) That which makes ready, prepares the way, or introduces; a preparatory act or measure..
Chiromancer :: Chiromancer (n.) One who practices chiromancy.
Rebellion :: Rebellion (v. i.) The act of rebelling; open and avowed renunciation of the authority of the government to which one owes obedience, and resistance to its officers and laws, either by levying war, or by aiding others to do so; an organized uprising of subjects for the purpose of coercing or overthrowing their lawful ruler or government by force; revolt; insurrection..
Phlyctenular :: Phlyctenular (a.) Characterized by the presence of small pustules, or whitish elevations resembling pustules; as, phlyctenular ophthalmia..
Derogate :: Derogate (v. i.) To take away; to detract; to withdraw; -- usually with from.
Exhibition :: Exhibition (n.) The act of administering a remedy.
Govern :: Govern (v. t.) To direct and control, as the actions or conduct of men, either by established laws or by arbitrary will; to regulate by authority..
Boy :: Boy (v. t.) To act as a boy; -- in allusion to the former practice of boys acting women's parts on the stage.
Forray :: Forray (n.) The act of ravaging; a ravaging; a predatory excursion. See Foray.
Pooling :: Pooling (n.) The act of uniting, or an agreement to unite, an aggregation of properties belonging to different persons, with a view to common liabilities or profits..
Subtracter :: Subtract (v. t.) To withdraw, or take away, as a part from the whole; to deduct; as, subtract 5 from 9, and the remainder is 4..
Allowance :: Allowance (n.) The act of allowing, granting, conceding, or admitting; authorization; permission; sanction; tolerance..
Overpraising :: Overpraising (n.) The act of praising unduly; excessive praise.
Intractile :: Intractile (a.) Not tractile; incapable of being drawn out or extended.
Canker :: Canker (n.) An obstinate and often incurable disease of a horse's foot, characterized by separation of the horny portion and the development of fungoid growths; -- usually resulting from neglected thrush..
Vituperation :: Vituperation (n.) The act of vituperating; abuse; severe censure; blame.
Restitution :: Restitution (v.) The act of restoring anything to its rightful owner, or of making good, or of giving an equivalent for any loss, damage, or injury; indemnification..
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