Definition of act

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Act (n.) The result of public deliberation; the decision or determination of a legislative body, council, court of justice, etc.; a decree, edit, law, judgment, resolve, award; as, an act of Parliament, or of Congress..

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Mimicry :: Mimicry (n.) Protective resemblance; the resemblance which certain animals and plants exhibit to other animals and plants or to the natural objects among which they live, -- a characteristic which serves as their chief means of protection against enemies; imitation; mimesis; mimetism..
Manifesto :: Manifesto (n. & a.) A public declaration, usually of a prince, sovereign, or other person claiming large powers, showing his intentions, or proclaiming his opinions and motives in reference to some act done or contemplated by him; as, a manifesto declaring the purpose of a prince to begin war, and explaining his motives..
Pentadactyl :: Pentadactyl (a.) Alt. of Pentadactyl.
Stretch :: Stretch (n.) Act of stretching, or state of being stretched; reach; effort; struggle; strain; as, a stretch of the limbs; a stretch of the imagination..
Idiopathical :: Idiopathical (a.) Pertaining to idiopathy; characterizing a disease arising primarily, and not in consequence of some other disease or injury; -- opposed to symptomatic, sympathetic, and traumatic..
Dactylioglyph :: Dactylioglyph (n.) The inscription of the engraver's name on a finger ring or gem.
Subsphenoidal :: Subspecies (n.) A group somewhat lessdistinct than speciesusually are, but based on characters more important than those which characterize ordinary varieties; often, a geographical variety or race..
Caryophyllin :: Caryophyllin (n.) A tasteless and odorless crystalline substance, extracted from cloves, polymeric with common camphor..
Perform :: Perform (v. t.) To discharge; to fulfill; to act up to; as, to perform a duty; to perform a promise or a vow..
Hennotannic :: Hennotannic (a.) Pertaining to, or designating, a brown resinous substance resembling tannin, and extracted from the henna plant; as, hennotannic acid..
Power :: Power (n.) A machine acted upon by an animal, and serving as a motor to drive other machinery; as, a dog power..
Allicient :: Allicient (a.) That attracts; attracting.
Treat :: Treat (v. t.) To subject to some action; to apply something to; as, to treat a substance with sulphuric acid..
Engendrure :: Engendrure (n.) The act of generation.
Retroflexion :: Retroflexion (n.) The act of reflexing; the state of being retroflexed. Cf. Retroversion.
Reemergence :: Reemergence (n.) Act of reemerging.
Nudification :: Nudification (n.) The act of making nude.
Abrood :: Abrood (adv.) In the act of brooding.
Mundation :: Mundation (n.) The act of cleansing.
Phosgene :: Phosgene (a.) Producing, or produced by, the action of light; -- formerly used specifically to designate a gas now called carbonyl chloride. See Carbonyl..
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