Definition of yield

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Yield (v. t.) To give in return for labor expended; to produce, as payment or interest on what is expended or invested; to pay; as, money at interest yields six or seven per cent..

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Cassava :: Cassava (n.) A shrubby euphorbiaceous plant of the genus Manihot, with fleshy rootstocks yielding an edible starch; -- called also manioc..
Flexible :: Flexible (a.) Capable of being flexed or bent; admitting of being turned, bowed, or twisted, without breaking; pliable; yielding to pressure; not stiff or brittle..
Rigid :: Rigid (a.) Firm; stiff; unyielding; not pliant; not flexible.
Packing :: Packing (n.) A yielding ring, as of metal, which surrounds a piston and maintains a tight fit, as inside a cylinder, etc..
Kynurenic :: Kynurenic (a.) Pertaining to, or designating, an acid obtained from the urine of dogs. By decomposition the acid yields a nitrogenous base (called kynurin) and carbonic acid..
Proceeds :: Proceeds (n. pl.) That which comes forth or results; effect; yield; issue; product; sum accruing from a sale, etc..
Cave :: Cave (v. i.) To fall in or down; as, the sand bank caved. Hence (Slang), to retreat from a position; to give way; to yield in a disputed matter..
Oreoselin :: Oreoselin (n.) A white crystalline substance which is obtained indirectly from the root of an umbelliferous plant (Imperatoria Oreoselinum), and yields resorcin on decomposition..
Guttiferous :: Guttiferous (a.) Yielding gum or resinous substances.
Sustain :: Sustain (v. t.) To endure without failing or yielding; to bear up under; as, to sustain defeat and disappointment..
Tacamahaca :: Tacamahaca (n.) Any tree yielding tacamahac resin, especially, in North America, the balsam poplar, or balm of Gilead (Populus balsamifera)..
Flinch :: Flinch (v. i.) To withdraw from any suffering or undertaking, from pain or danger; to fail in doing or perserving; to show signs of yielding or of suffering; to shrink; to wince; as, one of the parties flinched from the combat..
Bonanza :: Bonanza (n.) In mining, a rich mine or vein of silver or gold; hence, anything which is a mine of wealth or yields a large income..
Unyolden :: Unyolden (a.) Not yielded.
Subscribe :: Subscribe (v. i.) To yield; to admit one's self to be inferior or in the wrong.
Pitahaya :: Pitahaya (n.) A cactaceous shrub (Cereus Pitajaya) of tropical America, which yields a delicious fruit..
Surrogate :: Surrogate (n.) In some States of the United States, an officer who presides over the probate of wills and testaments and yield the settlement of estates..
Pan :: Pan (v. i.) To yield gold in, or as in, the process of panning; -- usually with out; as, the gravel panned out richly..
Temporizer :: Temporizer (n.) One who temporizes; one who yields to the time, or complies with the prevailing opinions, fashions, or occasions; a trimmer..
Produce :: Produce (v. t.) To bring forth, as young, or as a natural product or growth; to give birth to; to bear; to generate; to propagate; to yield; to furnish; as, the earth produces grass; trees produce fruit; the clouds produce rain..
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