Definition of writing

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Writing (n.) Handwriting; chirography.

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Colloquialize :: Colloquialize (v. t.) To make colloquial and familiar; as, to colloquialize one's style of writing..
Eulogy :: Eulogy (n.) A speech or writing in commendation of the character or services of a person; as, a fitting eulogy to worth..
Muniment :: Muniment (n.) A record; the evidences or writings whereby a man is enabled to defend the title to his estate; title deeds and papers.
Pleonasm :: Pleonasm (n.) Redundancy of language in speaking or writing; the use of more words than are necessary to express the idea; as, I saw it with my own eyes..
Loanable :: Loanable (a.) Such as can be lent; available for lending; as, loanable funds; -- used mostly in financial business and writings..
Micrograph :: Micrograph (n.) An instrument for executing minute writing or engraving.
Escript :: Escript (n.) A writing.
Asperse :: Asperse (v. t.) To bespatter with foul reports or false and injurious charges; to tarnish in point of reputation or good name; to slander or calumniate; as, to asperse a poet or his writings; to asperse a man's character..
Contract :: Contract (n.) A formal writing which contains the agreement of parties, with the terms and conditions, and which serves as a proof of the obligation..
Talipot :: Talipot (n.) A beautiful tropical palm tree (Corypha umbraculifera), a native of Ceylon and the Malabar coast. It has a trunk sixty or seventy feet high, bearing a crown of gigantic fan-shaped leaves which are used as umbrellas and as fans in ceremonial processions, and, when cut into strips, as a substitute for writing paper..
Pasquinade :: Pasquinade (n.) A lampoon or satirical writing.
Writ :: Writ (n.) That which is written; writing; scripture; -- applied especially to the Scriptures, or the books of the Old and New testaments; as, sacred writ..
Charter :: Charter (n.) An act of a legislative body creating a municipal or other corporation and defining its powers and privileges. Also, an instrument in writing from the constituted authorities of an order or society (as the Freemasons), creating a lodge and defining its powers..
Scribatious :: Scribatious (a.) Skillful in, or fond of, writing..
Attestation :: Attestation (n.) The act of attesting; testimony; witness; a solemn or official declaration, verbal or written, in support of a fact; evidence. The truth appears from the attestation of witnesses, or of the proper officer. The subscription of a name to a writing as a witness, is an attestation..
Memorandum :: Memorandum (n.) A brief or informal note in writing of some transaction, or an outline of an intended instrument; an instrument drawn up in a brief and compendious form..
Miltonic :: Miltonic (a.) Of, pertaining to, or resembling, Milton, or his writings; as, Miltonic prose..
Humorist :: Humorist (n.) One who displays humor in speaking or writing; one who has a facetious fancy or genius; a wag; a droll.
Incorrectly :: Incorrectly (adv.) Not correctly; inaccurately; not exactly; as, a writing incorrectly copied; testimony incorrectly stated..
Document :: Document (n.) An original or official paper relied upon as the basis, proof, or support of anything else; -- in its most extended sense, including any writing, book, or other instrument conveying information in the case; any material substance on which the thoughts of men are represented by any species of conventional mark or symbol..
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