Definition of boarding

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Boarding (n.) The act of covering with boards; also, boards, collectively; or a covering made of boards..

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Boarding :: Boarding (n.) The act of covering with boards; also, boards, collectively; or a covering made of boards..
Weatherboarding :: Weatherboarding (n.) The covering or siding of a building, formed of boards lapping over one another, to exclude rain, snow, etc..
Commons :: Commons (n. pl.) A club or association for boarding at a common table, as in a college, the members sharing the expenses equally; as, to board in commons..
Weatherboarding :: Weatherboarding (n.) Boards adapted or intended for such use.
Livery :: Livery (n.) The feeding, stabling, and care of horses for compensation; boarding; as, to keep one's horses at livery..
Brettice :: Brettice (n.) The wooden boarding used in supporting the roofs and walls of coal mines. See Brattice.
Clapboard :: Clapboard (n.) A narrow board, thicker at one edge than at the other; -- used for weatherboarding the outside of houses..
Netting :: Netting (n.) A network of ropes used for various purposes, as for holding the hammocks when not in use, also for stowing sails, and for hoisting from the gunwale to the rigging to hinder an enemy from boarding..
Poleaxe :: Poleaxe (n.) Anciently, a kind of battle-ax with a long handle; later, an ax or hatchet with a short handle, and a head variously patterned; -- used by soldiers, and also by sailors in boarding a vessel..
Timber :: Timber (n.) A single piece or squared stick of wood intended for building, or already framed; collectively, the larger pieces or sticks of wood, forming the framework of a house, ship, or other structure, in distinction from the covering or boarding..
Half-pike :: Half-pike (n.) A short pike, sometimes carried by officers of infantry, sometimes used in boarding ships; a spontoon..
Boarding :: Boarding (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Boar.
Boarding :: Boarding (n.) The act of entering a ship, whether with a hostile or a friendly purpose..
Cleading :: Cleading (n.) The planking or boarding of a shaft, cofferdam, etc..
Wainscot :: Wainscot (n.) Oaken timber or boarding.
Pension :: Pension (n.) A boarding house or boarding school in France, Belgium, Switzerland, etc..
Headbeard :: Headbeard (n.) A board or boarding which marks or forms the head of anything; as, the headboard of a bed; the headboard of a grave..
Box :: Box (v. t.) To inclose with boarding, lathing, etc., so as to bring to a required form..
Stinkpot :: Stinkpot (n.) An earthen jar charged with powder, grenades, and other materials of an offensive and suffocating smell, -- sometimes used in boarding an enemy's vessel..
Boarding :: Boarding (n.) The act of supplying, or the state of being supplied, with regular or specified meals, or with meals and lodgings, for pay..
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