Definition of wickedness

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Wickedness (n.) A wicked thing or act; crime; sin; iniquity.

Lern More About Wickedness

Crime :: Crime (n.) Any great wickedness or sin; iniquity.
Illness :: Illness (n.) Wrong moral conduct; wickedness.
Blackness :: Blackness (n.) The quality or state of being black; black color; atrociousness or enormity in wickedness.
Monstrous :: Monstrous (a.) Extraordinary on account of ugliness, viciousness, or wickedness; hateful; horrible; dreadful..
Evil :: Evil (n.) Moral badness, or the deviation of a moral being from the principles of virtue imposed by conscience, or by the will of the Supreme Being, or by the principles of a lawful human authority; disposition to do wrong; moral offence; wickedness; depravity..
Abomination :: Abomination (n.) A cause of pollution or wickedness.
Unequity :: Unequity (n.) Want of equity or uprightness; injustice; wickedness; iniquity.
Audacious :: Audacious (a.) Contemning the restraints of law, religion, or decorum; bold in wickedness; presumptuous; impudent; insolent..
Atrocious :: Atrocious (a.) Extremely heinous; full of enormous wickedness; as, atrocious quilt or deeds..
Gigantic :: Gigantic (a.) Such as a giant might use, make, or cause; immense; tremendous; extraordinarly; as, gigantic deeds; gigantic wickedness..
Harden :: Harden (v. t.) To accustom by labor or suffering to endure with constancy; to strengthen; to stiffen; to inure; also, to confirm in wickedness or shame; to make unimpressionable..
Darkness :: Darkness (n.) A state of ignorance or error, especially on moral or religious subjects; hence, wickedness; impurity..
Devilry :: Devilry (n.) Conduct suitable to the devil; extreme wickedness; deviltry.
Turpitude :: Turpitude (n.) Inherent baseness or vileness of principle, words, or actions; shameful wickedness; depravity..
Impiety :: Impiety (n.) The quality of being impious; want of piety; irreverence toward the Supreme Being; ungodliness; wickedness.
Instigation :: Instigation (n.) The act of instigating, or the state of being instigated; incitement; esp. to evil or wickedness..
Monster :: Monster (n.) Any thing or person of unnatural or excessive ugliness, deformity, wickedness, or cruelty..
Villainy :: Villainy (n.) The quality or state of being a villain, or villainous; extreme depravity; atrocious wickedness; as, the villainy of the seducer..
Caitiff :: Caitiff (n.) A mean, despicable person; one whose character meanness and wickedness meet..
Ill :: Ill (n.) Whatever is contrary to good, in a moral sense; wickedness; depravity; iniquity; wrong; evil..
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