Definition of white

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White (superl.) Having the color of purity; free from spot or blemish, or from guilt or pollution; innocent; pure..

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Trammeled :: Trammeled (a.) Having blazes, or white marks, on the fore and hind foot of one side, as if marked by trammels; -- said of a horse..
Bechamel :: Bechamel (n.) A rich, white sauce, prepared with butter and cream..
Lime :: Lime (n.) Oxide of calcium; the white or gray, caustic substance, usually called quicklime, obtained by calcining limestone or shells, the heat driving off carbon dioxide and leaving lime. It develops great heat when treated with water, forming slacked lime, and is an essential ingredient of cement, plastering, mortar, etc..
Laudanine :: Laudanine (n.) A white organic base, resembling morphine, and obtained from certain varieties of opium..
Whitefish :: Whitefish (n.) The menhaden.
Saponin :: Saponin (n.) A poisonous glucoside found in many plants, as in the root of soapwort (Saponaria), in the bark of soap bark (Quillaia), etc. It is extracted as a white amorphous powder, which occasions a soapy lather in solution, and produces a local anaesthesia. Formerly called also struthiin, quillaiin, senegin, polygalic acid, etc. By extension, any one of a group of related bodies of which saponin proper is the type..
Color :: Color (n.) Any hue distinguished from white or black.
Ice :: Ice (v. t.) To cover with icing, or frosting made of sugar and milk or white of egg; to frost, as cakes, tarts, etc..
Terebilenic :: Terebilenic (a.) Of, pertaining to, or designating, a complex acid, C7H8O4, obtained as a white crystalline substance by a modified oxidation of terebic acid..
Swan :: Swan (n.) Any one of numerous species of large aquatic birds belonging to Cygnus, Olor, and allied genera of the subfamily Cygninae. They have a large and strong beak and a long neck, and are noted for their graceful movements when swimming. Most of the northern species are white. In literature the swan was fabled to sing a melodious song, especially at the time of its death..
Blanquette :: Blanquette (n.) A white fricassee.
Album :: Album (n.) A white tablet on which anything was inscribed, as a list of names, etc..
Argentine :: Argentine (n.) White metal coated with silver.
Favor :: Favor (n.) A gift or represent; something bestowed as an evidence of good will; a token of love; a knot of ribbons; something worn as a token of affection; as, a marriage favor is a bunch or knot of white ribbons or white flowers worn at a wedding..
Water Buck :: Water buck () A large, heavy antelope (Kobus ellipsiprymnus) native of Central Africa. It frequents the banks of rivers and is a good swimmer. It has a white ring around the rump. Called also photomok, water antelope, and waterbok..
Hippocampus :: Hippocampus (n.) A name applied to either of two ridges of white matter in each lateral ventricle of the brain. The larger is called hippocampus major or simply hippocampus. The smaller, hippocampus minor, is called also ergot and calcar..
Brookweed :: Brookweed (n.) A small white-flowered herb (Samolus Valerandi) found usually in wet places; water pimpernel.
White :: White (superl.) Characterized by freedom from that which disturbs, and the like; fortunate; happy; favorable..
Whitesmith :: Whitesmith (n.) A worker in iron who finishes or polishes the work, in distinction from one who forges it..
Creatinin :: Creatinin (n.) A white, crystalline, nitrogenous body closely related to creatin but more basic in its properties, formed from the latter by the action of acids, and occurring naturally in muscle tissue and in urine..
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