Definition of weigh

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Weigh (v. i.) To be considered as important; to have weight in the intellectual balance.

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Jewfish :: "Jewfish (n.) A very large serranoid fish (Promicrops itaiara) of Florida and the Gulf of Mexico. It often reaches the weight of five hundred pounds. Its color is olivaceous or yellowish, with numerous brown spots. Called also guasa, and warsaw..
Table :: Table (n.) Any collection and arrangement in a condensed form of many particulars or values, for ready reference, as of weights, measures, currency, specific gravities, etc.; also, a series of numbers following some law, and expressing particular values corresponding to certain other numbers on which they depend, and by means of which they are taken out for use in computations; as, tables of logarithms, sines, tangents, squares, cubes, etc.; annuity tables; interest tables; astronomical tables,
Ram :: Ram (n.) The weight which strikes the blow, in a pile driver, steam hammer, stamp mill, or the like..
Bezant :: Bezant (n.) A gold coin of Byzantium or Constantinople, varying in weight and value, usually (those current in England) between a sovereign and a half sovereign. There were also white or silver bezants..
Fodder :: Fodder (n.) A weight by which lead and some other metals were formerly sold, in England, varying from 19/ to 24 cwt.; a fother..
Candy :: Candy (n.) A weight, at Madras 500 pounds, at Bombay 560 pounds..
Poise :: Poise (v.) The weight, or mass of metal, used in weighing, to balance the substance weighed..
Arroba :: Arroba (n.) A Spanish weight used in Mexico and South America = 25.36 lbs. avoir.; also, an old Portuguese weight, used in Brazil = 32.38 lbs. avoir..
Weight :: Weight (v. t.) Importance; power; influence; efficacy; consequence; moment; impressiveness; as, a consideration of vast weight..
Importance :: Importance (n.) The quality or state of being important; consequence; weight; moment; significance.
Equibalance :: Equibalance (n.) Equal weight; equiponderance.
Turbot :: Turbot (n.) A large European flounder (Rhombus maximus) highly esteemed as a food fish. It often weighs from thirty to forty pounds. Its color on the upper side is brownish with small roundish tubercles scattered over the surface. The lower, or blind, side is white. Called also bannock fluke..
Picul :: Picul (n.) A commercial weight varying in different countries and for different commodities. In Borneo it is 135/ lbs.; in China and Sumatra, 133/ lbs.; in Japan, 133/ lbs.; but sometimes 130 lbs., etc. Called also, by the Chinese, tan..
Caesium :: Caesium (n.) A rare alkaline metal found in mineral water; -- so called from the two characteristic blue lines in its spectrum. It was the first element discovered by spectrum analysis, and is the most strongly basic and electro-positive substance known. Symbol Cs. Atomic weight 132.6..
Pontoon :: Pontoon (n.) A low, flat vessel, resembling a barge, furnished with cranes, capstans, and other machinery, used in careening ships, raising weights, drawing piles, etc., chiefly in the Mediterranean; a lighter..
Equilibrium :: Equilibrium (n.) Equality of weight or force; an equipoise or a state of rest produced by the mutual counteraction of two or more forces.
Poise :: Poise (n.) To ascertain, as by the balance; to weigh..
Glucinum :: Glucinum (n.) A rare metallic element, of a silver white color, and low specific gravity (2.1), resembling magnesium. It never occurs naturally in the free state, but is always combined, usually with silica or alumina, or both; as in the minerals phenacite, chrysoberyl, beryl or emerald, euclase, and danalite. It was named from its oxide glucina, which was known long before the element was isolated. Symbol Gl. Atomic weight 9.1. Called also beryllium..
Steem :: Steelyard (n.) A form of balance in which the body to be weighed is suspended from the shorter arm of a lever, which turns on a fulcrum, and a counterpoise is caused to slide upon the longer arm to produce equilibrium, its place upon this arm (which is notched or graduated) indicating the weight; a Roman balance; -- very commonly used also in the plural form, steelyards..
Scalebeam :: Scalebeam (n.) A weighing apparatus with a sliding weight, resembling a steelyard..
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